This morning I made whole wheat pita bread to fry to have pita chips for our Baba Ganoush.
Vince was gone so I had my music going full blast in the kitchen and then my favorite song, Mathilda by Cookie and the Cupcakes, came so I was two stepping around the kitchen. I love that song. There were a few trips from Texas to Missouri where I listened to that song on repeat the entire trip. I love it that much! I think that was the first song Chad learned to sing as a small child. They’ve named their Jeep Mathilda.
I got the pita bread all kneaded once the song was over.
Next was preps for the Roasted Cauliflower Salad with Lemon-Honey Vinaigrette.
Vince came home from his second trip to town, walked in the door and said “It sure smells good in here!”
Dinner was served. Fried whole wheat pita chips with Baba Ganoush and the salad.
No meat tonight. I don’t feel hungry. I don’t feel stuffed. I feel good!
Sharon says
I had to pull it up to listen to the song. I hasn’t heard of the group or song. says
It’s definitely a Louisiana song.
Susan Nixon says
Those pita pieces look scrumptious!
Valerie Zagami says
Looked the song up and LOVE it. Also surprised it is called Swamp Pop Music! Well the song was on an album called 20 Best of Swamp Pop from Louisiana. Thank you for sharing that..
Cindy F says
Never heard of the song or group so I had to look it up….wonderful!! I like to turn up the music when I’m in the car by myself. The last time I had my music up loud when I was using the longarm my son closed his bedroom door…lol My son’s room is right next to the open room where I have the long arm. I had to get headphones so as not to bother him! says
It was the same for me when Chad lived at home and I can remember the first thing I’d do when he would leave the house was turn up my music.