Just seeing a picture of them makes my day much brighter.
At the high school football game last night, they recognized all the cheerleaders from the various local teams. Nicole asked if we could come but since neither of us drive at dark, we couldn’t. I’m not sad . . I’m happy to be as close as we are and get to see them as often as we do but I loved seeing this picture.
Poor Chad has been feeling horribly bad the last three days. I felt so bad for him working in the cold and rain. They had been working out of town and he was staying in a hotel. Wednesday shortly after noon, Nicole called me and said Chad’s truck is home but he isn’t here. Have you talked to him? I had talked to him a good bit earlier but just to see how he was feeling and he didn’t mention anything about heading back home. I asked her if she had tried to call him and she said she had and he hadn’t answered. She took the dogs for a walk, went back inside and tried to call him again. No answer. She called me back and said “This is weird! His bag of clean clothes and his dirty clothes are all in the truck. His lunch box is in the truck. It’s like he left work and isn’t going back.”
I tried to call him. No answer. Knowing how bad he felt, I was getting worried. After a while, this exchange happened.
Freeman is one of the Joplin hospitals and they have a clinic in Chad’s town . . but his trucks were both at home so how did he get there?
Finally, after asking many questions, I figured out . . they finished the job where they had been working, checked out of the hotel, needed more work trucks so Chad drove his pickup home, got a work truck and was headed to a little town called Freeman to finish working for the day.
You would think, now that he’s a parent, he would do better with giving his mother answers that made sense and didn’t result in mom having a panic attack! No . . I didn’t have a panic attack. Only scary bridges cause that. I was getting concerned though.
Then last night, he probably made it home just in time to run by the house, shower and get to the game . . on a cold, windy night!
Rebecca says
Yes, he’s a parent now, but Addie doesn’t go off on her own so he doesn’t know where she is! (Yet)
Donna in KS says
oh, yeah, I’m supposed to check in if I drive across town. DDIL mentioned they had bought something for one of the grandchildren in OK. “Oklahoma? When did you go to OK?” But I’m supposed to check in if I leave the house!! Rebecca is right, “He will get there”.