The sewing method is going so much better for my stitching speed! Look at how many stitches I did yesterday!
934 stitches! I can’t even believe it. For those not familiar with stitching, I use an app called Pattern Keeper and I stitch either a stitch or a row of stitches or a group of stitches after I’m done stitching them. The app marks them as having been stitched and tells me . . well . . you can see what it tells me. I stitched 934 stitches. I’ve stitched a total of 8,805 since starting this project. It thinks there’s 21,090 stitches but it’s counting every square – even blank squares and, based on the presumed total number of stitches, I’m 41.75% done. This app was started for those doing full coverage projects where EVERY square is stitched but I’m thankful to have it, even with the little things that aren’t quite right for my chart.
Mostly I stitched yesterday. I did cook and clean up the kitchen, take the dog out a number of times, go outside to help decide where to plant peonies and elderberries . . that may be all I did besides stitch.
Before I started doing the sewing method, I was happy to get 200 stitches done per day. I’m really happy I gave the sewing method another try.
Again, a late night photo. The colors really are kinda drab but . . I do like it.
The rows on the hill are getting shorter so today I hope to get the row done that says “change the world”. That’s 14 letters. Yesterday’s row had 17 letters. If I can get the next row done today, the row for tomorrow only has 11 letters and that will be the end of the letters. Then I’ll really only have about three days worth of work left.
There’s a chance . . a slim chance . . I could have this finished by the end of October!
Joyce says
Great job! I sat down last night and watched one Flosstube while I taught myself the “in hand sewing” method for cross stitch. A simple crow in a witches hat using just one floss color and will finish about 5” x 5”. I think it’s going to be great. Now, I just need to get happy my magnification and lighting, Keep up the great work! says
Everyone is different but the sewing stitch works for me. I want to be able to do it in the frame because when stitching in hand, I’m getting LOTS of Boots fur stitched into my projects. If he’s on my lap and my thread runs across his back, it’s like a cat hair magnet.
Cindy F says
Wow! That’s fantastic! I watched that video awhile back but didn’t take it up. I really need to review it again and try it out on something easy. With so many charts I want to stitch I need to get faster….lol I recently started using the loop method of starting a thread and I need to practice the method of ending off the thread (I think called the pin method). I’m coming up on the greenery area of the Fox and Friend stitch and there are a lot of constant changes so a better way of tying off the thread will be welcome. says
The first few time I tried the sewing stitch, I didn’t do well but after discussing it with Jo and re-watching a couple of videos, I got it.
I start off with the pin stitch when there are no other stitches around but otherwise, I run my beginning and ended threads under a few stitches one way, then back the other way under a few more, give it a tug and if it seems secure, that’s all I do. Probably not an officilly approved method but it works for me (or has so far).
Shauna Trueblood says
Wow you are a rock star!! I used to stitch in hand using the sewing method but if the project is at all large I find my hand that holds the fabric getting very tired and hurting. So I got a stand and have really had to work to get my stitch count up and my best day was 834 stitches. And that was a pretty solid day of stitching. I keep saying I will try the sewing method again, but haven’t….you are really an “influencer”. says
My hand is hurting and especially my thumb so once this project is finished (because I want the stitches to stay consistent), I’m going to try using the Lowery frame and keeping the fabric loose enough that I can stitch using the sewing stitch. I’m so happy that I can go a bit faster now. So many things I want to stitch!