For at least two weeks, I’ve been saying I need to run a basting thread around where I want the edge of the frame to line up on this piece so last night, about midnight, I stopped stitching, ran the basting thread, went downstairs, trimmed the fabric, serged the edges, measured for a frame and came upstairs and measured for a frame. This isn’t due til December 1 so hopefully the frame will get here on time.
That’s a very late night photo with no color correction but you can see my progress.
I got online and chose a frame and got it ordered.
I ordered the dark frame with the gold trim.
I also ordered a frame for a redwork piece that I had done that didn’t yet have a frame ordered.
Today, since we’ll have leftovers for dinner, I hope to get lots of stitching done. I was hoping to finish the hill and all the lettering by Friday. We’ll see how that goes!
Laura says
Looking good! says
Thank you!
justquiltin says
That stitch is just looking incredible on the fabric you chose. So very pretty. says