Not only can watching flosstubes become expensive, it wastes a lot of time. I’ve decided I’ll start using ear buds and watching one . . just one . . when I go to bed at night.
If I’m watching flosstube AND stitching, it sometimes takes me three or four hours to get through a one hour video because I go look for the charts on my favorite shops’ websites, I check to see who has the floss or the linen if it looks like the perfect linen for the project. Then I’ll go to Etsy and see which of my favorite shops there have it. I may put the same chart in my cart at 2 or 3 different shops so that by the end of the flosstube, if there are several I want, I can try to get them from the same shop so as to save on shipping.
By the end of watching Finally A Farm Girl #19 last night, I had four carts at different shops open. That’s a good way to end up ordering the same charts more than once, which I surely do not need to be doing. I deleted everything from the carts! I started to make a list of the ones I saw that I liked but the truth is that tomorrow, I’ll watch another flosstube and find a dozen more charts that I like better.
Rebecca mentioned in a comment last night that by not buying everything I think I want when I see it, the new charts will look better when (IF) I need them. I think that’s right. Suppose in a while, I should buy five new charts and there are hundreds out there .. I’ll have fun deciding on which five I should buy.
For now, I’m limiting my time watching flosstubes. I’ll save money and get more stitching done.
Jo Kramer says
Judy I keep a list of charts I like. For the most part, charts are available for quite awhile. Then once a month I pick out one or two I like and order. I have to admit that I’ve bought more than normal lately but that’s because they are Blackbird Designs and those do go out of print.
JackiesStitches says
I keep a list of things I want to buy in XStitch on their shopping list. I typically put things there and then go back when I’m ready to do some shopping (which isn’t often but it’s typically a larger order) and check to see what I want there. Surprisingly, sometimes I’ll delete a few things. Other times, I stop my floss tube and buy something but I typically don’t.
justquiltin says
No new charts… no new charts…. 🙂