Yesterday Vince and his friend went up to Joplin Truss because Vince told the guy who built our shop that he wanted some logs for bowls. We need more land! 🙂
The guy who built the shop called Vince a while back and said he had come across a nice sycamore log, had it split in lengthwise and left it at Joplin Truss for Vince to pick up. A 12′ log is not going to fit in the old S-10 so Vince and his buddy with a real pickup and a nice, long trailer, went up to Joplin Truss to get the log. I figured they’d eat out while they were out so I had started cooking. It was just roast to be heated up but Vince said he needed to go to Walmart (of course he did!) so we’d run by the BBQ place and eat. I’m not turning that down so . . we have roast for tomorrow. Poor roast must be feeling a bit neglected.
The guys started building the pergola. While Vince was gone, they needed to know the color for the deck stain. Hmmm . . Can it wait til Vince gets back? No. They were headed to town to get the stain so the could stain some of the pergola lumber. Vince didn’t have his phone so I decided so I made a decision. Vince said he and the guy had already talked about it so he was fine with what I chose.
I stayed awake all day and had zero fever – felt fine so I’m declaring myself to be over the effects of the vaccine.
I caved! Not only did I order Mary Goodwin but I ordered Victoria Clayton’s silk floss to stitch it. It was meant to be! I really wanted it Monday when I watched Nicola Parkman’s video, then I watched Laura & The Serial Starter this morning and they were talking about it. While waiting for Vince to come out of Walmart, I looked at some Instagram pictures and saw it everywhere. That was it .. had to have it.
Videos I Watched:
Laura & The Serial Starter – #61 – I watched about the first half – didn’t finish.
Yes, but not nearly as much as I had hoped. I made 565 stitches yesterday. I got two windows finished, the last flower in the basket stitched and a bit more of the trim on the two windows that have flowers in the baskets. Surely today I can get the other three windows stitched.
Plans for Today:
Same as every day – Cook a meal and get some stitching done.