It seems that no matter what my plans are for the day, I am not going to take my first stitch til between 4 and 4:30 p.m. I’m going to start stitching as soon as I finish this post.
I showed Addie her pumpkin and she loved it. I still hope to finish it today but . . you know how that goes.
Dinner was prime rib! I’ve mentioned several times about the meat market here in Joplin that we love. I have never tasted such good meat. The ground beef, the steaks, the roasts, and now, the prime rib.
The first time we went, they were having a sale and all the frozen meat, which is vacuum sealed and ready for the freezer, was half off so we bought the only prime rib that was in the freezers, as well as several roasts. We’ve been so pleased and now Chad is cooking their meat. That was why he was in Joplin this morning. We’ve bought 10 pounds of ground beef, put up in 1 pound packages, probably 5 or 6 times.
Today I cooked the prime rib.

This one was fairly small. I think it was about 3-1/2 pounds, including the bones. Prime rib is the easiest, most consistently amazing meat to cook. I cook it at 450 to 500 for 15 minutes, turn the oven down and cook at 350 for about 15 minutes per pound to get medium rare.

This one is smaller than we usually buy but I like to get one that will give us at least three meals. Prime rib sandwiches are delicious but we can’t have bread so I guess it’s good that this one was small. We will get two meals off it.
I always undercook it a bit and the first meal, I slice off the two sides – a slice for each of us and that leaves the more rare center.

This afternoon, I wrapped the top of the skillet in foil and after it cooled, stuck it in the fridge. Tomorrow, I’ll take the foil off, stick it in the oven at 350 for about 25 minutes and it will be perfect. We just keep reheating it, slicing off the outside, save the rest; then reheat it, slice off more of the outside til it’s gone.
Vince and I had gone to a nice restaurant the other day, only because we had a gift certificate. He said “We should do this once a month.” I do not like going out to eat. I’d rather have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at home than go out to eat. I figured .. he does a lot for me, if he wants to go out and eat once a month, I’ll do. I don’t see why he would want to. It’s more expensive than eating at home and I’d cook anything he wants but I agreed that we would go out to eat once a month.
He was raving about the prime rib this afternoon and I said “How about instead of going out to eat once a month, we buy a prime rib once a month and get two or three meals out of what it would cost for one meal at a restaurant? He liked that idea . . and so did I!
Liz says
The “prime rib of the month” sounds like a great idea!!!
I’ve done the same trick of eating the ends of a roast, keeping the middle rare, and then reheat the roast. If the slice is still too rare,I’ll just sear it on both sides and it’s perfect.
There are a few meat stores nearby me – I need to check them out to see if they are as good as yours! says
These people raise the cows too, they have their own butcher and they age the meat. I hope yours are as good!
montanaclarks says
I too love to cook prime rib and I used to love to go out to eat as I would get so tired of cooking. Now I would rather just cook at home–eating out is so expensive and rarely do we get a meal I’m happy with. I hate paying for food that is poorly cooked! says
It just seems like such an ordeal to decide where to go, plan the day around going. We don’t like to go out at times when Joplin traffic is crazy, then we don’t want to go to restaurnts at the busiest times, then if something is going to be delivered by UPS or Fed Ex, we don’t want to have it sitting on the porch after our “visitor” came twice; once we decide on a good time to go out and eat, we have to plan the rest of the day around not eating so we’ll be hungry at that time.
Is it just that we’re getting old and overthinking everything?? It also seems that we’ll go to a restaurat a time or two and really enjoy it and then look forward to going back and it’s not so good.
It just seems so much easier and more enjoyable to eat at home.