We got the concrete poured – part of it. The guy did as much as he could get done yesterday. He has to frame up for the ramp to the shop, then get that concrete poured and finish the section by the stairs. I know the pictures are hard to make heads or tails out of it but here’s the pad where the trash can and smoker will go. The smoker only goes there when I’m using it. Otherwise, it stays in the garage.
Here’s the pad where the pergola will be. Please pretend you don’t see a mess on the patio right now.
Vince cut the okra yester. I probably have enough to get the freeze dryer going today. I’ve been cutting okra while wearing long sleeves but now I have nasty rash around my wrists where the okra still touches my skin so Vince is going to help me by cutting the okra.
This is serious so please don’t laugh and even though most will not believe me . . it’s ok because I kinda don’t trust myself but . . I’ve figured up how many years I might have left to cross stitch. I kinda think 10 for sure – maybe 15. Say I make 20 things per year – that would mean a few big things, a few medium size things and a good many small things, and using 15 years, I might finish 300 projects. That means I already have more charts than I’ll finish. Buying any more charts is just collecting. I look at the charts I have and I want to make them all. It isn’t like the ones here don’t interest me any more. I’m sure I’ll still purchase a chart here and there but at a whole different rate than what I’ve been doing. Also, so many of the floss tubes I’ve been watching have turned into commercials. I still watch a few but some I’ve had to stop watching. It isn’t them . . it’s me. I see what they’re pushing and I want it so I’ll continue to share the ones I’ve watched.
Having said all that, sometimes even the ones I like sound like commercials but this is a good example of what I can tolerate. Last night I finished watching Little Yellow House Crafts, #71 . She had just returned from Needlework Galleria in St. Louis. I had several friends who went and I was interested to hear what Nell thought about it. She has a huge collection of Victorian Motto floss and she almost always chooses her own colors for projects.
Yesterday was leftovers – chicken satay and I did steam artichokes instead of cooking cabbage.
Videos I Watched:
Nell from Little Yellow House Crafts, which I’ve mentioned already.
I made good progress on Cat-O-Lantern. I’ll do a blog post later today.
Plans for Today:
I don’t know what the weather is going to do. If it rains, the builder guys won’t be here and if I had to guess . . if they don’t come, Vince will go to town. I don’t think he’s been all week except when we went to the paint store on Monday – just there and straight home. I know he needs to go to town. In fact, that day, he said “Do you mind if I walk around the flea market for a while?” I said “I mind!” I hate to do that but we don’t live but 5 or 6 miles from the flea market. Take me home and go back. I don’t want to be around people these days and I surely don’t want to be just following him around a flea market and it’s a big one.
If it doesn’t rain, the guys will be back to form up for the ramp to the shop and maybe get the concrete truck back out here if there’s time.
My plans . . cross stitch. We’re having leftover pizza casserole and something . . maybe steamed asparagus or maybe make keto coleslaw. I’ve been wanting coleslaw.
I have several loads of laundry to get done. Vince brought home a box of quilts that had been in the storage building and a box of “Judy Clothes”. I’m not sure where he found all that stuff but some of it was stuff I may have worn and left in the dirty clothes when I left and some of it was OLD stuff. In fact, the jacket I wore when he and I met for the first time was in that box. Just a weird combination of things. Anyway, all that has to be washed before it can be put away so I’ll get that done today.
Nancy H says
I am glad to hear you are washing the stuff coming from storage. We got some stuff out of a storage unit last spring and ended up with bedbug. You never want bedbugs! We had never experienced them before and never want to again. I think it took me two months to get them killed. By then we had both developed sleep issues. Not wanting to go to bed at night for fear of being bitten. But we have not been bitten in almost 4 months now. We know they can live without eating for a year so I am staying vigilant. I keep spraying area’s of the house every month. But we both keep thinking something is crawling on us and are always checking…..
judy.blog@gmail.com says
I hadn’t even thought about bedbugs. GROSS!! I can imagine all the creepy crawly feelings you must be having. I hope they’re gone and you never see them again. I had not even thought about bugs til one day Vince told me he saw a roach in the garage. I was thinking that was weird because I’ve been here almost a year and NEVER saw any kind of roach and I was always going out in the night and turning the garage light on. Then he saw roaches in the storage buildings so now, we unpack everything out in the driveway (I’m sure we look like the Beverly Hillbillies), shake out anything fabric related, check nooks and crannies on everything before bringing it in and then we burn the boxes.