Harvest Tina is one of Teresa Kogut’s Patreon projects for September. It was love at first sight but I wanted to finish A Changed World first. I think it was Friday that someone showed their Harvest Tina project that was almost finished and I fought the urge to start stitching her. Over the weekend, I never took one stitch.
This morning Vince was out working at daylight and then he and a friend went off to run some errands. It was quiet in the house, and Harvest Tina convinced me I should stitch her.
It’s small enough that I could finish it tomorrow. I think I just needed to work on something that I could finish.
Since watching Vonna Pfeiffer’s pillow video where she made a pillow with trim and piping, I’ve been wanting to make a pillow. I don’t think I’ll use corded piping. I may have some mini pom pom trim that will work.