After a late start, I did get in a lot of stitching. I started stitching about 3:30 p.m. on Friday and actually stitched until 1:15 a.m. From 3:30 til midnight was 8.5 hours (right??). I’m going to take off 1.5 hours because I fixed myself a sandwich, ate, watered the garden, showered, made a pass through the kitchen and stuck all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. So I’m counting the first day as 7 hours of stitching. Definitely not bad at all!
Here’s where I started yesterday:

Here’s where I finished. I just knew I could get through that “Z” but I ran out of steam.

After I finish the “Z” there’s a smaller alphabet to do. Yesterday I did 7 larger letters (part of the R, part of the Z, the critter and everything in between the R and the Z) so I’m hoping to get 10 of the smaller letters done today, along with finishing the “Z”. That will mean I get through the “J”.
There may be a nap on the agenda for this afternoon. That’s the trouble with staying up so late – I get a lot done but then I’m tired and have to sleep some time. I wish I didn’t have to sleep so much but if I can stay up late, then Vince is in bed, I am not tempted to go outside and find Japanese Beetles or Junebugs, water the garden, walk Rita, pull weeds . . I can sit in my chair and stitch. Then, during the day, when I could be doing other things . . I sleep so staying up late and taking a nap really gives me more stitching time but, there’s more to life than stitching . . most of the time! 🙂
montanaclarks says
Yes that “more to life” business gets in the way of knitting too!