Last year when we first started visiting the MO house but hadn’t yet moved, I bought elephant garlic several times at the Farmers’ Market. Probably near the end of August or first of September, I planted four “cloves” in a front flower bed. All four came up and grew nicely. I’ve been watching them and the three lower leaves were quite yellow today (a sign it’s ready to be harvested) so I dug them up and look at the beautiful elephant garlic I was able to get.
They’re really big – much bigger than they look in the picture. I’ll probably use two of them and save two of them for planting in the Fall.
The whole house smells like garlic from those four bulbs. I need to make crusty bread and roast one of those bulbs. Yum. The elephant garlic man will probably be at the Farmers’ Market again soon so I can always buy more but it’s such fun to grow my own.