There are several really good retreats in my area. There’s an active group – mostly from the Springfield, MO and NW Arkansas area, but they host several retreats a year. The Silver Needle in Tulsa has several. One just finished up with Tanya from The Scarlett House. They have one in July with Teresa Kogut and you know how much I love her. There’s another one scheduled for November. I need to come up with a stitching buddy who would like to attend some of these with me.
The Ozark stitching group has one coming up but they posted it and it filled up immediately and that was about the same week Vince was moving here and I figured that wasn’t a good time to mention that I was thinking about leaving for almost a week . . even if it was a ways down the road. Now he’s probably thinking . . isn’t there somewhere you could go for a few days? <G>
The one thing I learned from quilting retreats though is that I get much more accomplished if I stay home. I never managed to sew much at the retreats but they were always fun and I rather expensive when there were vendors and shops nearby.
I’m so tempted to call The Silver Needle tomorrow and see if Teresa Kogut’s classes are full.
Marty Stanchi says
I live in NW Arkansas and would like to know more about this stitching group.
Judy Laquidara says
Marti: It’s Ozarks Stitchers on Facebook.
Suzette Harris says
I attended a retreat with The Silver Needle many years ago. It was well organized and they offered sew along projects at the retreat. The food was good and they arranged a meal ar a Mennonite farm. Was a neat experience.
Judy Laquidara says
Thanks. I would have guessed they would put on a great retreat and they get the best of the best for teachers.
Teri says
I hope you will treat yourself and sign up. You have mentioned how much you love Teresa Kogut; it would be a fun time for you and a good learning experience.