This is another recipe I found in one of the recent Southern Living magazines – 40 Basil Leaf Chicken. I haven’t tasted it yet so I can’t tell you how basil-y it will be. I can sit outside and eat basil leaves off the plant. Vince can take a bit of basil but he doesn’t love it like I do. It’s weird because the spices he could about eat with a spoon, I don’t like. He can eat oregano like candy and I don’t like it at all – I don’t even like the smell. The amount of garlic he thinks is good is about four times what I like. Any time I would go out of town and leave him home, when I walked in the door, the whole house smelled like garlic . . for a week! On the other hand, he doesn’t like cumin or cilantro and I love both of those. Opposites attract or learn to eat herbs and spices they don’t like. 🙂

I added a few things, as always! The recipe calls for sweet peppers and onions. I added potatoes and after it’s cooked for about 30 minutes, I’m going to add radishes and asparagus. Of course, I also added Cajun Redhead seasonin, which reminded me that I need to order more. I’ve given away quite a bit of it and don’t ever run out!
Who doesn’t love a one pot meal? It’s only been in the oven about 15 minutes and the kitchen smells wonderful.
Cindi says
I just left an estate sale. I bought a 2018 Southern Living Christmas cookbook for a dollar. Just flipping through it I already saw a few recipes I want to make. Thanks for the suggestion.
Judy Laquidara says
Oh, I love those! I hope as I unpack I’ll find at least a couple of the ones I had.
Donna says
This sounds SOOOO good.
Twyla says
I have cooked the 40 garlic chicken and it was so good. I will try this recipe for sure.
Sibyl Scott says
Well I can agree with Vince on those herbs, I don’t care for basil, will use a bit of cumin, and loathe cilantro. But on the other hand, don’t care that much for oregano either. I can handle about 1/4 the amount most recipes call for.
Rebecca says
I don’t mind oregano, but I did have a soup spoiled by an overload of it!
Sounds like your husband and mine could cook together: John says “You can never have too much garlic.”
I like basil, and think that basil pesto elevates many things. I once had a sandwich of vegetables sauteed in pesto…yum. When it’s good, basil pesto tastes like summer!