This morning we picked up our CSA box. The vendors who grow their crops outside are all concerned about the weather. It’s so wet here. There’s standing water in their fields, some things are dying. Heck the highway we use to go to town had barricades tha that had been pulled to the sides but it was obvious water had been over the highway at some point. It was either Thursday afternoon or Friday. There was never any water on the road next to our house.
Anyway, the lady who does our CSA box said “I’m a little nervous about the future.” We assured her that we know how it is and if the crops fail, it’s not her fault. It is sad though, knowing how little it takes to see a disruption in our food supply on a national scale and then seeing the local farmers failing too.

Today we got yellow squash, zucchini, broccoli beets and onions. I thought there was something else in the bag but for now, I can’t remember what it was.
We bought a few other things at the market – more zucchini, tomatoes, another lilac plant and two echinacea plants. The echinacea is great for planting in the garden so I’ll stick it out in my raised beds. I’ll try to be careful to clip the spent flower tops so I don’t end up with raised beds full of echinacea.