We seem to be busier as we get older . . some days . . but maybe we’re just slower and it takes us longer to get things done. I suppose it doesn’t really matter so long as things get done.
This morning Vince took the Highlander to get it inspected. That was the final vehicle to be inspected so we had no more excuses . . it was time to get the vehicles registered and tagged in MO and since I finally had all the paperwork to prove everything they wanted to know about marriage and divorce, we went down to the DMV in Carthage. We signed in at 11:15 and it was about 12:20 when they called us back. We had a very nice lady . . there were four or five of them working in there . . four I think, and all seemed very nice and pleasant. Vince got the three vehicle done and then we both got our driver’s licenses. We got back in the car and Vince said “I feel like we’re finally divorced from Texas.” I said “I’ll move anywhere in the south except Texas” which is what I told him when we first got married. Maybe he believes me now but he said “We are NEVER moving again.” Write that down, date it and if I ever need it, y’all can all email Vince that he promised we’d never move again!
By then, it was after 1 so we went and ate Mexican at a different Mexican restaurant.

Our friends last night had told us about it and it was good.

That had a covered patio/pavillion type area where you could sit and this is the wall. I thought that was nice and took a picture to send Chad. That’s something he would like .. probably in his living room. 🙂
After we got home, Vince put the plates on the vehicles. No going back now . . we’re officially Missouri residents.
Vince went out and worked in the raised beds and I then went out and planted the strawberries and part of the asparagus. Then it started raining and we had to come in . . which made me happy because I was wanting to cross stitch.
The weird thing . . I was out there by myself – no one around anywhere and I heard what kinda sounded like a weed eater that needed some work. Sounded like it spit and sputtered once, then it stopped. Then I heard what sounded like a loud bang and when I turned around, I saw a huge limb from a Bradford Pear falling to the ground. It hit the side of their house and damaged a gutter. That was all the damage that was visible but the limb was up against the house. The parents were both gone but the son who just graduated from high school came out. I walked over and he took pictures and called his mom and dad and they both came home from work to check on it. Vince offered to help with his chain saw but I think they were kinda overwhelmed. Several of our neighbors commented when we cut our Bradford Pears and said “You’ve just cut all your shade trees” and Vince said “Bradford Pears close the house are too risky” and that’s what happened today. There wasn’t even one bit of wind . . lots of humidity but no wind.
OK . . cross stitching time for me til bed time I hope!
Linda in NE says
When I was a kid we lived on a farm with several OLD cottonwood trees on the place. They were good shade but had a bad habit of dropping BIG limbs without warning. When we were near them and heard a cracking sound we didn’t take the time to look around to see what it was, we just skedaddled as fast as we could out of range of the nearest cottonwood. My brother still lives on that farm but all those cottonwoods are gone now. Makes the place look pretty naked but much safer.
Donna Minter says
My mother had a couple of large Bradford pear tress in her yard. They finally just fell over after heavy rains. Glad to see them go. The leaves are are to rake and at certain times of the year, they stink.
Judy Laquidara says
There’s not much good I can say about Bradford pears. Cutting down a tree is painful but we are always glad to get rid of Bradford pears.
Karen says
I had to smile when I saw the title of this post – Bob & I frequently look at each other and one of us will say ‘when did we ever have time to work?’ I think we’re just doing all those things we wanted to do and didn’t have time for when we were working:)
Joyce says
It’s scary to see a big limb fall even if it is in someone else’s yard! We had a big ice storm a number of years ago, and lots of big limbs came down from the weight of the ice. You would hear a “crack” and then “boom” when they fell. I saw one fall in my neighbor’s yard. Fortunately it was well away from structures, but it was still wild to see.