Yesterday I kept meaning to get these posted. Some days we’re just so busy .. doing nothing! But, we have fun so that’s all that matters. I think Vince is enjoying having a few friends and it makes me happy to see him happier.
Weird . . why did I talk about Vince being happy in the same post I’m going to share new charts because we all know that packages arriving every day does not make him happy! I’m sure there are a few more charts that have been ordered and will arrive but there aren’t many and I don’t think I’ve ordered anything in a few days . . maybe a week.
Here’s what arrived yesterday:

This one is Sarah Jackson by The Scarlett House. I know I mentioned in the post when I ordered this that I had put this chart in my cart a dozen times and took it out. I love it but it’s kinda large and I’m not sure where I’ll put it but we’ll cross that bridge once it’s stitched and framed.

This one is Mary Claytons. It’s small – only 201 x 183 stitches, which is about 11.17 x 10.17″ when stitched on 36 count fabric. I might could fit this in for Cross Stitch Camp and get it done in a month.

This one is Red, White and Bloom. I think it’s all smalls. I could easily get one of these done in a month but I want to challenge myself so I doubt I’ll do any of these as a challenge pieces.

This one is Red House Sampler. Love it but it’s way too much work to get done in a month so it will not be part of my Cross Stitch Camp but it’s so pretty! Love the border.
Maybe some time today I’ll go through some charts and try to make a decision for at least the project I’ll work on in June.
Twyla says
Why don’t you have your orders sent to Chad’s address? Ask Nicole put them in a small suitcase and you bring them home when you pick up Addie. Save wear and tear on those eyebrows.
Judy Laquidara says
He doesn’t bother me. I think Vince would be more upset if he knew I was realy sneaking things in. Chad and Nicole both work so packages are left out and their mail box is one that’s on the house so if there’s anything other than a regular envelope, the lid doesn’t close and it gets wet when it rains.
I figure if I’m big enough to buy the stuff, I’m big enough to take the heat for it. What I really need is a hobby for Vince so he has his own thing going on and isn’t seeing everything I do every minute of the day.
Paula Nordt says
Didn’t Vince use to do woodworking? If he moved his tools, he could get started on that again. When my husband is out in our barn/shed, I won’t see him all day.
Judy Laquidara says
I think he sold most of his woodworking tools because he hasn’t done it in so long and I don’t think he’s interested in that any more. He did bring 3D printers but I’m not sure what he wants to do to occupy his time.