Yesterday we had to go back to town. We didn’t really HAVE to go . . we got up and got dressed in “leave the house” clothes, made lists of things we both needed and waited to hear that it was time to get Vince’s car. They ended up talking on the phone and said they’d change the transmission fluid, and he could pick it up today (which was tomorrow yesterday). Since we were all ready to go to town and Vince needed T-posts to get the transplanted tree to stay in position, we went to town anyway.
I had made a list of a few patterns I needed from Hobby Lobby so we ran by there and I picked up a few other things.

I’m not sure what I’ll use this tray for but for $7, I thought it was a good buy. I can use it for little cross stitch pillows, instead of a dough bowl til I can get a dough bowl.

I got this little wooden box on clearance for $3. The lid comes off. I can paint it and cross stitch something to go on it, maybe even making some of those things I’d change out monthly and use magnets to hold them on. I’ll have to think about that.

I got these two patterns for Addie.

I got these two shirt patterns for me. I desperately need shirts that are long enough!

My favorite find .. this frame. I think the opening is about 11-1/2 x 15-1/2. I measured but already forgot. It was regular $25 and was on clearance for $6 or $6.95. It will be great for a cross stitched piece.
No more trips to Hobby Lobby for a while. I can always find things there that I need.
Bonnie Tucker says
Hi Judy please show the item number on the back of your tray. Thank you
Twyla says
You talking about today, tpmorrow and yesterday made me think of my grandson asking me if it was tomorio from yesterday one morning as we went to work and daycare. The day before I had told him we would do something tomorrow after work. He was soooo cute. Good memories.
Judy Laquidara says
I can’t even imagine how hard it is for small children to grasp today and tomorrow, especially when they take naps. “Is it tomorrow yet”? As I kid, I could never figure out if “maybe” meant yes or now. I’d ask my parents if we could do something and they’d say maybe. I wanted to know if that meant yes or no and they’d say “It means maybe”. Well, dang it. That was really no answer but I suppose if it was something I wanted to do, maybe was better than an outright no.