The Joplin Transmission people have truly been amazing and we think very highly of them so none of the CRV problems are their fault. This is a problem with having OLD vehicles and having an OLD husband who will not buy a new car! 🙂
Seriously, I gripe and moan and complain about our vehicles but, even with what we’ve spent recently, we’re much better off as far as costs go by having the vehicles we have vs. buying new ones and paying personal property taxes and full coverage insurance and, we both feel our vehicles are actually made better than some of the newer ones.
Here’s the deal with the CRV — five years ago Honda stopped making axles for the CRV. After market axles just don’t seem to be exactly the same. It was about five years ago that Vince had an axle changed when we were in Texas. The transmission shop here said they tried three different axles and they’re leaving the “best” on it.
They told Vince it definitely isn’t the transmission; it isn’t going to leave him stranded, there’s just going to be a brief time of vibration around 30 mph. If you’re going from zero to 60, it is a “brief” vibration but if the speed limit is 30 or 35, it ain’t so brief and it’s like riding over drunk bumps on the side of the road.
But . . it isn’t my car; it isn’t my choice; whether it’s fixed or not isn’t going to change anything for me so I’m happy if Vince is happy. He is happy because they’ve assured him it isn’t going to break or leave him stranded.
Now . . onto the next problem I face, which currently is this little yellow airplane that has flown by about 20 40 times. He must be practicing – the airport is close but honestly, he should be getting dizzy by now .. so many loops by here. It’s yellow and it’s like a bumble bee buzzing out there. The first time he passed, I said “That plane is too close!” Vince said “It was a truck going down the road.” I said “Oh, I thought it was plane!” Then, I looked out the window and it was passing again.
That photo is taken from my window. I suppose I kinda wish I was up there having fun too!
Donita M says
So glad you got to the bottom of what was going on with the Honda. If that plane is all yellow it is crop spray plane. Yes they sound like they are buzzing as they fly low to the ground to spray the fields. So glad you are enjoying the “green”!
Judy Laquidara says
They’re just practicing though . . they’re flying mostly over subdivisions.
Cheryl Behning says
Could be a crop duster…. Although it’s not quite the right time to dust., crop dusters around here are strange looking kind of short and most always yellow! We live out in the county and get buzzed frequently.
Judy Laquidara says
There are no crops in this area – totally subdivisions.
Nelle Coursey says
Are you sure it is not a crop duster?
Judy Laquidara says
It probably is but there are no crops between here and Joplin. This land was probably once farmland but it’s all subdivisions now and he flew probably 40 passes right near the houses.
Susan Nixon says
I bought a 2001 Honda for Paul that needed a transmission. We thought we’d just go to the Pull-A-Part place and get one. It took him weeks to get the old one off, and then we haven’t been able to find one that fits! =P Expensive lesson learned.
Judy Laquidara says
Who would have thought?? I mentioned to Vince maybe getting an axle from a Pull-A-Part place but I think he’s kinda done with Honda repairs for a while.