You already know I love trying new things so I had so much fun walking around the Mexican grocery store, looking at everything. Most things I’ve somewhat heard of but many I have not tried. There have been three people working in there both times we’ve been there but only one speaks fluent English . . or enough to speak with me and answer my questions. Today she took me back to the meat counter and was explaining the different cuts of meat they use and how they compare to traditional American meats. They have al pastor meat already seasoned and ready to fry in a skillet so we got some of that to try.

We’re wanting to try to duplicate the cheese dip from the Mexican restaurants. Addie and Vince both love that so the lady in the store told us her favorite is this FUD cheese and told us how to make it. We’re going to try it this weekend while Addie is here and see what we can come up with. I got two varieties of Horchata to try. I love that stuff. We tried the liquid one today and it was really good. The lady in the store suggested I try the Klass brand. It’s a powder and she showed me all the flavors of drink mixes. I’m guessing it’s a bit like Kool Aid but haven’t tried it. I got Hibiscus and she recommended I try cantaloup next. I got dried Mexican oregano and dried expazote til I can get some fresh growing. I got two packages of the already seasoned al pastor meat, a pineapple and Mexican hot chocolate mix. I’ve been able to buy that in stores in other places and I like it. Vince picked up the Guava candy and said he likes it. I tried it and it’s not bad but not my favorite.
Oh . . it isn’t in the picture and I almost forgot but Vince bought two coconuts there today. I think he and Addie may try to open one this weekend.
We’re having fun exploring the area and trying new things.
Marilyn Smith says
I use dried Mexican Oregano in all my Mexican cooking that calls for it. I do alot of it. I also have many Mexican markets around me. We eat more Mexican than regular American food. We love it. We eat it out all the time, and I surprised dH the other night when I made fresh Chilie Rellenos. I got totally fresh Poblano chiles (if I can’t get those I use Pasillas), grill them, put into a plastic bag to rest, then peel them, then take out all the seeds and veins. Stuff with cheese, batter them and fry. Serve them over shredded iceberg lettuce. Top with my yummy sauce and black olives. My DH is in heaven. He loves these and they are wonderful. A bit different than what we get in restaurants, but so totally yummy. I usually make about 10-12 od them. Eat them for lunch and dinner. When DH took them to school (work_, everyone went crazy when he reheated a couple for lunch. Many of the Hispanic women said they were better than what she grew up on and better than she could make. I only make them a few times a year, and for some special friends who love them. I will post my simple sauce later. I am making a childhood favorite tonite…Frito Pie or Casserole! I don’t think I have made that in 20 years!
Sharon says
I love the Hibiscus tea I got in Mexico. I may have to go try the Mexican market.
April Reeves says
I’d love to know what to buy and how to make queso at home. I’d be too shy and intimidated to ask at our local mexican grocery stories.
Ruth says
I bought a plastic container of white queso at my local Food Lion. It was yummy.
Sandi B says
Hubs and I had never heard of the herb that you’re going to grow. Now you’re going to make me hunt it down and check it out!!
Susan Nixon says
You can get great and authentic recipes by signing up on for them. Or just go here to find them: Goya