Yesterday I mentioned about the Blackbird Designs Weekend Stitch Along that Brenda and the Serial Starter are doing. It’s the last weekend of every month.
Last night, I came up with a plan. You know how I love plans, though I never follow through completely, and that doesn’t bother me. I love planning. I’m going to set aside each weekend for a specific designer – my favorites. I’m going to try to stick with this schedule through the end of 2021 and then I can change up and swap out designers if I choose. Or maybe I could decide to work on on a particular project (any designer) Monday – Thursday, then do the weekend designer Friday – Sunday. Some days I’ll get little stitching done, other days I’ll get a lot. Some weekends we will have Addie and I won’t get as much stitching done but that’s ok . . that’s what makes it fun.
I made myself a little chart and filled in some plans, which can easily changed . . and will be often I’m sure. If I could halfway stick with this plan, and stop chasing squirrels, I could end up with a whole lot of finished projects by the end of the year. Someone else mentioned putting new charts on the 123 Stitch wish list instead of bying them all. If (and that’s a huge IF) this plan works, I could start my wish list as new charts come out, then about November, 2021, start a chart for 2022 and order any charts or supplies I need to order. Sounds like a good plan, huh? Vince doesn’t seem to get as concerned about one package arriving, even though it’s a big package, as he does about some little something arriving every day.
I left December mostly empty so that I can pick and choose from projects that just need a bit more work and I might could finish those the last month.
Being able to make up my own mind and change my mind on a whim doesn’t work so well for me. So, maybe .. maybe kinda having a list and knowing if I work on this project til Friday, then ‘ve done what I said I would do and I can stick with it and move on.
We’ll see.