Yesterday I did what seems to me like a good bit of stitches.
When I got all the way around and that border matched up, I almost squealed. I’m not a perfect stitcher. I don’t even strive or perfection but when things have to meet up, it pretty much has to be perfect. I made a grid just across the halfway marks so I’d know at the halfway point if I was off.
Only 8 more of those borders to have to do! 🙂
The white/bamboo is showing up better on the gray and I’ll be fine with the color.
JakiesStitches says
Your border meeting up never gets old and it’s always a relief!
Judy Laquidara says
I was wondering. It surely was a good feeling and that was just a small little border. I can’t imagine with some of those that are so intricate.
Penny Holliday says
Great match up! Beautiful stitches! Hope that you find out what’s wrong with Boots & no more biting!