Tomorrow is February 1 and the day the Farmhouse Christmas Stitch Along begins on here and on Denise’s Just Quiltin’ blog.

Last night I did just a big of gridding. I started by marking the center width, then counting back to the beginning to make sure I had more than enough fabric. Some day I will trust the calculations and my figuring but for now, I have to count it out to be sure. I ran a basting thread down for the edge of the main design, then added or the border. I had a bit over 4″ and only need three so I moved my “start” line over to the left 1″. That will give me some wiggle room on the right side but if I need wiggle room . . something is wrong so I hope that doesn’t happen.
This morning I got it all loaded in the floor frame. I think I’m ready to begin!

There’s still time to jump in if anyone wants to join us. It can be made as individual pieces (9 of them) or they can all be stitched together as one piece.
Kim Webb says
How do you like using the floor frame so far? It looks like it would be uncomfortable to sit on the edge of the chair for any length of time. Maybe it’s just the angle of the photo that makes it look like that.
Judy Laquidara says
It’s probably meant more to use with a regular chair (like a sewing chair or a dining room chair) but I haven’t had any trouble using it on the end of the recliner.
Kathy S says
I’m not so interested in cross stitching, but I want to punch needle. So I bought one of the patterns (charts?) and am going to see if I can convert it to punch needle. Mind you, I have had the tools and patterns to needle punch for many years and have not yet tried it. Just recently I’ve become interested in it again. I will be a little behind because I haven’t received the pattern yet. But that’s ok, I’d like to do a practice piece before going whole hog!
Judy Laquidara says
Check out Teresa Kogut. She’s an amazing artist and she has cross stitch and punch needle projects.
Kathy S says
Yes. I like her stuff. Lots of really neat patterns out there!
Jennifer Breitenbach says
Alas work has been “in the way” so to speak and I haven’t got to set up or start. ? Your set up reminds me of mine!