Probably I shouldn’t say I love winter because if I lived in Michigan or Minnesota, or a really cold state, or even Kansas City, MO, I might not love winter but here, it’s mostly never too cold to take Rita out or run to the mail box. That’s about the extent of my exposure . . other than looking out the window and saying “It’s so beautiful!”
Late this afternoon I walked by the dining room windows and had to stop and take it all in. Even though we’re pretty much surrounded by houses, I love being able to see a barn and early in the morning when go out with Rita, I can hear roosters crowing in the distance.
When I was out with Rita, the snow falling to the ground was melting as it made contact but the snow on the leaves and branches was sticking. It looked like a little cotton ball on each twig or leave. It was interesting . . and pretty.
I think today is the last of our snow. Tuesday it’s supposed to be 50 degrees and partly sunny. Hopefully I can get a lot of these twigs picked up that day. Vince said “Just leave them til I get back” but he doesn’t realize how many are out there. It’s hard for Rita to even walk without running into them since since doesn’t see where she’s going. I’m out there trying to lead her (and myself) around puddles and muddy spots, and not get into a mess of twigs. I suppose if that’s the biggest problem I have, I’m pretty lucky. Of course there are other problems – the family members with COVID mainly, but most are doing well and when I’m outside or doing something fun, my mind momentarily is relieved of the worry and stress over the family.
Nelle Coursey says
That is exactly what our snow looked like!! Little balls of cotton falling! And they stuck to everything. We lost one big limb off a bush/tree that I don’t really like anyway. But it does block the house from the main street Austin Avenue. It is surprising how quiet it is just living one block off Austin! We lived on Austin for years and it was always loud with cars racing all day and night!
Julie says
That’s a perfect snow. It’s beautiful to look at, and doesn’t cause problems on the roads!
Judy Laquidara says
I just saw on FB that roads in the area are closing all over the place due to ice. Everything that melted today is now freezing and there are at least two wrecks on two different bridges. It’s a good night to be home cross stitching!
Dottie Newkirk says
How does Rita like the snow? I know she can’t see it, but wondered if she wondered what that cold stuff falling on her was.
It is so pretty, especially when it doesn’t have to be shoveled ;-).