I check the new patterns at 123 Stitch and when I saw this one the other day, I jumped on ordering it.

It’s “A Good Marriage” by Lizzie Kate and available here.
I’m no one to give marital advice but that pattern says a lot! I love the last line . . “Marriage is not only marrying the right person, it is being the right partner.”
A lot of days when I’m having my quiet time and prayer time, I think about what it must be like to be married to me – not easy I’m sure. It’s easy for me to complain about the things Vince does but oh, my . . I don’t think I could be married to me. I try and I think my efforts pay off but I know I’m high strung, way too energetic, direct my energy in the wrong ways most of the time and don’t have a lot of patience.
I would love to have this piece finished, framed and hanging in our bedroom before Vince returns (except I have no idea how to hang anything on drywall and the marriage might be over if I just hammered a nail into a wall!). I can figure it out or Nicole can do it or I think at least two of my neighbors know how to do it. One nail . . how hard can that be??
It’s only 6.5″ by 12″ for the stitching design. I bet I could use one of those hand 3M things that doesn’t even require nails. I believe Hobby Lobby has some and I think they say how much weight they hold. Problem solved . . right? Are those sticky, removable things safe to use on walls? I’ll have to wait for it to be framed so I can weigh it all.
Liz says
Very pretty cross stitch pattern. Command strips would hold the picture, but be sure to get the correct size and when getting it framed, be sure that you ask for wire hanger and not the little metal thingy at the top of the frame. Otherwise the strip part will show over the frame.
Another option would be to get plate holder stands as a temporary display option. You can display your newest framed cross stitch while you decide where to hang it.
Merry Christmas!
Jeri Niksich says
Liz you said exactly the right thing lol, I love the Command strips! NO holes in the walls!
Denise Russart says
Very pretty pattern
Sandie Mackintosh says
I always use strait pins to hang things on my walls. I have an 18” by 24” oil pastel portrait in a wide wooden frame that has been hanging on two straight pins in my drywall for almost 40 years. The only times it has come down is when I take it down to wash or paint the walls. One big benefit is no visible holes in the walls needing filling if you decide to move the items you’ve hung.
Becky Louise Rhodes says
You can buy them at Walmart too. Add them to your shopping cart. Easy.
Judy Laquidara says
Good luck with getting EVERYTHING you need. I’m keeping a list of the floss I need or may sub out what I can’t get with some of my old DMC. I love being able to get it all with one click.
Nelle Coursey says
This is beautiful! I think Vince will love it.
Judy Domke says
I’m going to bv have to put t hi is on my wish list. You could always use a tabletop frame or an easel instead of hanging it.
cindy says
i have had problems with the command strips pulling the paint off the walls. I don’t know if it was the way the strips were pulled off or what. the hooks on them also stick out a bit more than a nail would generally. put the nail in with the point going in at a downward angle and it will be fine.
Ruth says
You have to clean the hanging spot with rubbing alcohol before putting the command strip up on the wall. After it is all in place you have to wait an hour before hanging anything on the command strip.