Now the days can begin getting longer. This year seems to have been a turning point for me and I wonder why. All my years, I’ve loved the shorter days. This year, I have come to dislike them. I wonder if it’s because Vince and I are apart and the hours and hours of darkness seem to make me more lonely. This is the first time in many years . . maybe ever . . that I’ve spent this much time alone. I’ve always loved my alone time but, looking back, there wasn’t much of it! Vince went to work during the day and I had and cherished those hours by myself but I always knew he was coming home after work and we’d have the evening and night together. Now, he isn’t coming home at night . . not for the near future anyway. I don’t really go anywhere. I don’t really have much interaction with people except for Nicole, Addie and Chad occasionally – so the days just seem darned long!

Even the trees look lonely! I got used to the trees in Texas not losing their leaves and now the trees seem naked and cold. But, the sunsets are pretty. Soon we’ll have the long days of summer and I’ll probably be wishing for the shorter days but for now, I’m looking forward to at least a bit more daylight.
Carolyn says
And I’m so used to being alone that I miss it! My husband has traveled one day since covid hit and it was one night away. I’m used to him being gone most weeks for at least 3 or 4 nights. That’s a lot of togetherness when you’re not used to it! I keep thinking there must be a country song titled, “How can I miss you if you won’t go away?”
montanaclarks says
I too have always loved the long winter nights–not this year–it just seems oppressing! Mike gets bored, wants to go to bed at 8pm then he’s up at 4am–GRRRRR!! The man does not know how to be quiet but I usually manage to go back to sleep for a while.
Teri says
Me too…Please have a very Merry Christmas.
Susan T says
When my husband was in the Air Force, he was away for long periods of time for courses, military exercises etc. The worst was when we moved to a small radar station, and he left 3 days later for 6 months. I had two kids at home, but the time dragged, but I got used to it during his 32 years of service.
Then I had to get used to having him home all the time when he retired! Fortunately, he played golf, and we travelled south for the winters. We had an easier time than many people I know when retirement arrived!
Now with Covid 19 on our minds, we are staying home almost all the time. I have my quilting/knitting, etc., but he finds himself bored. He has taken to baking cookies, making biscuits, and he gets meals ready to cook, preparing veggies, salads, etc. In the past, he and his friend have spent 2 or 3 days each week entertaining at local senior residences and nursing homes, but with limited visitors, and smaller groups allowed to get together, even that has been stopped! We are all looking forward to the time when the vaccine is available to everyone, and we can feel safe to spend time with friends and family members again!
Nelle Coursey says
I am glad the days will be getting longer and just like everyone else, I will be so glad to say goodbye to 2020! I am hoping we can get the vaccine soon. They say it will take a couple of weeks after the last one for it to be completely effective. Praying for no side effects for anyone!