I think you all should be very proud of me. Are you? 🙂
Because all I can think about is cross stitching. Yet, I’ve stuck with the knitting project that had a deadline. Got it done on time. Didn’t become obsessed with cross stitching (actual stitching) while Vince was here. I was ordering stuff and for once, I was really thankful the mail was delayed. Packages have started arriving slowly and very late but I’m just accepting it (like I have a choice!) and am happy with what I get when I get it.
I might start stitching on something today but I might wait.
People who are long time cross stitchers and who have a stash of floss and fabric are very lucky. Right now, trying to get the perfect fabric, and any overdyed floss seems like an effort in futility. There are maybe six online shops that I’ve been looking at. Yesterday I was determined to order enough overdyed floss to make one project. I went to all six shops and could not find the floss I needed between them. One might have two colors; one might have three; one might have none, and I was having to pay shipping from all of them. It’s not worth it. I can use DMC and Hobby Lobby seemed to have a lot – they seemed to have it all, but some of the projects scream for overdyed floss.
I called the shop in Tulsa because they do mail order. I asked if they have a pretty good stock of overdyed floss. She laughed . . a big old it’s not funny kind of laugh. She told me that when they order overdyed floss, there’s more they don’t get than what they do get. She said they aren’t even backordering the floss they’re out of when customers place an order. You get what they have and you just keep ordering, hoping to eventually get what you need.
We have no idea of all the ramifications of Covid. Who would have thought it affected embroidery floss. I think of all the things I don’t use and I’m sure there are things other people are frustrated that they can’t get. So, as far as the big picture, embroidery floss is not part of the essentials so I’m not complaining – just wish I had less yarn and more floss!
I’m going to put the patterns and the cloth on a Google spreadsheet. That way, I can see them on my phone when I’m out and hopefully won’t buy the same patterns twice, though I doubt I buy many patterns other than online.
The fabrics that have arrived so far are:
- 32 Count Linen – Indigo
- 36 Count Linen – Faded Denim (those are some tiny squares!)
- 25 Count Lugana – Stormy Night
- 32 Count Lugana – Sparrow
- 25 Count Mushroom – Lugana
I was watching a Flosstube last night from the ladies at The Attic and the older lady was working on something that’s 56 count. I’m not sure how on earth you can even see anything that small. Without having made my first stitch, but looking at the fabric, I think I might like 32 count. 36 count and smaller may be a little too small but I’ll wait til I’ve done some stitching before making that decision.
Here are some of the patterns that have arrived. I’m not going to put links because so many places have them.

Monthly Trios (January, February and March by Waxing Moon Designs.

Jack’s House Pinkeep by Stacy Nash Primitives. I won’t use it for pins.

A Prairie Year by The Prairie Schooler.

A Bluebird’s Salute by Misty Pursel.

Moonlight Visitor by Blackbird Designs.

Harvest Time by Lila’s Studio.

The Anniversary by Lila’s Studio.

Last is this cute little bird feeder – Winter Feast. It’s a kit with the floss and the yarn and beads. Maybe I should start with that one.
One thing for sure – I need to stop ordering and start stitching!
Denise Russart says
Love all your pattern choices.
Ruth says
That last one looks very interesting. I agree with you, start with that one! Easy, all together, complete with beads, and Addie would love to see it when you are done. Good Luck! Ive’ enjoyed reading about the walmart app and how you cook. I once knew a family where both parents worked, had 2 teenage boys, and they shopped for dinner on the way home every day. No plans at all for a week’s worth of shopping.
sheryl says
These are all so cute. Have you thought about dying your own floss?
Judy Laquidara says
No! 🙂
Laura says
I made a few of the Prairie Schooler Book No. 13 projects … years ago! Love those designs.
Elle says
With any fabric over 18 count, you stitch over 2 squares. There is no way floss would work on 56 count without going 2 squares which would equal 28 count and that is small Xs.
I’m anxious to see what you think about the different fabrics/sizes.
Judy Laquidara says
I think they said they even go over 3 squares on some of the really tiny ones.
Janis says
Try Fat Quarter Shop for floss if you haven’t already.
Judy Laquidara says
I have ordered a few things from them but they’re in the same boat with all the other shops and it’s very hit or miss where floss is available.
Sara F says
You have a really cute selection of patterns. I started a piece last winter – on a brown 36 count fabric. I didn’t get very far because it was just too hard to see. At some point I’m sure I’ll pick it up again and work on it with my new light.
Judy Laquidara says
What new light did you end up getting? I’m betting I’m going to need a new one with these tiny little squares – probably one with a magnifier.
Robin B says
Oh, goodness these are pretty….I haven’t cross stitched for years
Judy Laquidara says
Those patterns make you want to start again, right? The patterns and even some of the floss seems so different from back when I was cross stitching years and years ago.
Tee says
I used to love dying fabric, but then had too much fabric, so I stopped (unlike someone I know! LOL). Is overdyed floss just thread that is hand dyed? I could do some for you, if you want me to try.
Judy Laquidara says
That’s very sweet of you to offer. The reason I haven’t entertained the idea is that most of the hand dyed/overdyed yarns come in 5 yard hanks and that’s often enough for several projects. It seems like a lot of trouble for such little amounts. And, with cross-stitch, you’d have to get so close to the colors recommended for it to look like the sample piece. It doesn’t seem worth the effort to me unless I’m needing like 10 skeins of red but . . I’m not a dyer so, what do I know??
Tee says
Yeah, it’s a hassle to dye small amounts. If I get back to dying fabric, it would be easy to throw yarn into a pot with the fabric. As to matching for a specific project, well, that would be a crap shoot.
Nelle Coursey says
I love all of these and I really do like the last one. I think you should start with it since it is Winter and you can enjoy it right now. That would be a great addition to the Christmas season and also into January.
Paula says
Apparently xstitching is very popular again. Sister in law went to Joanne’s for the Santa thread and they only had 3 of #221. So I am glad I bought up alot years ago.. I only use 14ct and I am having a little trouble with it using white thread. lol Paula in KY
Judy Laquidara says
I watched a Flosstube video last night and someone with a shop was saying she absolutely could not get 14 count Aida in white.
Becky Rhodes says
Judy check fabric.com for the aida cloth.Just looked and shows they have 3 yards in white of 14 count. Also check Joanns and Michaels for embroidery floss.
Carol C says
I did the Prairie Schooler one called A Prairie Year. Made them all into the little stuffed pillows and hang on a knob of a piece of furniture near my front door. I’ve enjoyed them monthly for years. I have gobs and gobs of floss, both DMC and various brands of over dyes. Don’t cross stitch anymore and I’d be thrilled to send you any I may have you are looking for. Mine are all in floss bags and in number order (or name of overdye.) Just let me know what you are looking for. I’d be so happy for you to use it.
JustGail says
Covid isn’t just affecting production and shipping of items, there’s also the unexpected huge increase in demand for crafts and such. Things to do while stuck at home. And it goes in waves following whatever’s the latest hot thing on social media. Remember earlier this year it seemed like everyone was baking bread, then sourdough bread because no yeast available? Then summer hit and bicycles were scarce. Now in winter it will probably be things to do indoors that supplies get short on.
I have my all patterns, books, tools and needlework threads in a spreadsheet, but was not sure how to do the needlework fabrics. It’s saved me from duplicate purchases quite a few times.
JackiesStitches says
You’ve selected some great charts to stash! I love the Waxing Moon trios and have no idea why I haven’t bought them.
XStich is a great app for keeping an inventory of your stash. Super easy to use!
The older lady in The Attic flosstubes is Jean Lea and she is the owner of the shop. I would say this is probably the #1 shop in the country IMO. Especially if you love sampler stitching though they do have all types of projects. She always stitches on very high count fabrics using 1 thread and most often uses finer silks such as Tudor Silk or Soie Surfine and 100.3. To date, the highest count I’ve stitched on is 46 count. It wasn’t hard but the over 1 stitching was definitely more challenging and there was quite a bit of it.
Overdyed threads are hard to get. I believe one major dyer is in CA and was greatly affected by the shut down of non-essential businesses. One thing I do is look at the chart to see exactly how much of a thread is being used. If it’s not a lot, I’m throw the DMC equivalent in for use. I love over dyed thread but it is used in small places, you can’t tell that its overdyed anyways.
Judy Laquidara says
I should have known there was an app. Thanks!
I’m waiting for the ladies at The Attic to kit me up a project but they said it would be a while.
Marti Meadows says
Have you looked a Fat Quarter Quilt Shop they have all kinds a cross stitching supplies 🙂
Judy Laquidara says
Received an order from them today.
Kathleen says
Must be something in the air. After a 20 year hiatus from cross stitching I have picked up some some projects long ago stored out of site. Always loved cross stitching but quilting just took over my extra time. Boy have my eyes gotten old. I have had bifocal lenses for 30 years and always used a pair of +3.0 over my glasses with extra good lighting. Now I’m having a difficult time with 32 count even with the help of “extra” visual aids.
Amy (Waunaknit) says
LOL. I’m not falling down YOUR rabbit hole, but I did order one (or 3) paint by number kits about a month ago. I did start on the first one.
Judy Laquidara says
Paint by number sounds like fun. I’ve seen some of those and they are so pretty! I did some of that when I was growing up and always loved it.