There was a time when I knew exactly what the weather was supposed to do but these days, I never seem to know what’s going on with the weather til I look outside.
Yesterday, I thought we were going to have flurries in the morning. The funny thing is that every time I go towards town, I see vehicles just covered in snow and we haven’t had that much snow and you’d think that by the time they drove from where that was so much snow, at least 45 minutes from here I think, the snow would have blown off but Vince and I went to town Monday and I saw two cars with lots of snow. Yesterday when I went to pick up groceries, I saw two different cars covered in snow.
Last night I was talking to Vince and said “Since you’re on the phone, I’ll take Rita out one last time” and I took the phone out with me. I opened the door and it was snowing! It was mostly flurries but there was enough to almost cover the ground.

I told Vince it was snowing and he said “There’s a snow shovel in the upstairs garage and one in the downstairs garage!” I told him I wasn’t going anywhere for the next few days and he said “What about taking Rita out?” The concrete was warm enough that the snow melted as it fell last night so, if it didn’t turn into ice during the night, I’m good but so far, she hasn’t asked to go out so I’ll wait til she wants to go out and then I’ll figure out if I need to put straw or kitty litter down in order to get across the concrete.
Fresh snow is so beautiful!
Rebecca says
Snow shovels in the garage…what a concept! (I’d put the rolling laughing face here if I could.)
Judy Laquidara says
So many of us will never forget that story!
Nelle Coursey says
I love fresh snow and the purity of it. But as you know, we don’t get that much snow here. And when we do it is gone by the next day. My friend in Tulsa posted a picture of her house and the yard and there was about 4-5 inches of snow there!!
Judy Laquidara says
I knew Oklahoma City had been getting a lot of snow. Didn’t know about Tulsa.