I had been warned that Boots would be afraid of a ceiling fan if he hadn’t seen one before, and he had not.
I had started making the bed downstairs – flannel sheets are as far as I got. We just set the bed up yesterday . . or was it day before? Anyway, Boots has decided he loves that bed. I’m not sure if it’s the flannel sheets or that it’s dark and quiet in there. There are no windows and it’s away from the sewing room and “man cave”. I was working in the sewing room; Vince was moving things around in the man cave so maybe he just wanted to be left alone.
I walked into the bedroom to put yarn in the closet and I accidentally hit the ceiling fan switch.

I immediately turned it off but it was so funny, I almost turned it back on. He wanted to run but he was afraid to take his eyes off it. He just crouched down and kept staring at it.
He’s going to have to get used to fans during the summer because we keep them on day and night but this house doesn’t really have that many fans. The only one downstairs is in the bedroom. I never want fans in the sewing room but Vince may want one in the cave.
Poor Boots. I shouldn’t laugh at him. I was working in the sewing room and I thought Vince was upstairs. I walked out into the hallway to yell up at Vince. I walked out of the room yelling “VINCE?” I was going to ask him to bring down a trash bag for me but he was standing right there and said “WHAT?” I screamed . . and ran to the bathroom! 🙂
Dottie Newkirk says
Poor Boots – “sew” many new things. BUT, it seems like he’s really adapting really well!!
Nelle Coursey says
Oh my goodness! I would have been terrified! Boots was probably just curious as to what was going on. I think he will ignore it once he gets used to it being on. Maybe you need to turn it on occasionally just to get him used to it.
Judy Laquidara says
Vince turned the ceiling fan on in the living room this evening to see what he did and he totally ignored it. The living room has 14′ ceilings and the sewing room has about 7-1/2′ ceilings so that may be why it scared him in the bedroom.
Nelle Coursey says
Now he knows it won’t hurt him. That is a good thing.
Kathy Hancock says
Years ago we had a dog react the same way to a ceiling fan. Plastered himself to the floor in terror.
Rebecca says
I had a cat that was Terrified! of ceiling fans. We got one in the bedroom, but didn’t use it in her lifetime (she had finally reclaimed the bed from an upstart cat). Once, she was sleeping, and I thought maybe if she woke up and it was on (low), she’d be OK…knowing it hadn’t hurt her. That did NOT work. She woke up, yawned, caught sight of the fan, and scrambled out so fast it was incredible.
We did have a large fan we could put in the window, and that was OK with her. But using the bedroom ceiling fan was the one thing not bad about her death.
Carolyn says
I swear my husband needs to wear a bell!