It seems like when Vince first got here over a month ago, we would have plenty of time to get things done but it’s almost time for him to go back to Texas and now we’re scrambling to get things done.
- We’ve given away as many moving boxes as we could and he took the rest to the recycling center.
- Got everything done to both cars that has been needing to be done.
- Got 6 sets of shelves put up in the sewing room and 5 sets in the garage.
- Got a new modem and got it installed for the higher speed internet that starts in a couple of weeks.
- Got the exercise bike and rowing machine set up.
- Got the printers hooked up.
- Got the smoker on the rolling cart so I can bring it out to use it and stick it back in the garage when I’m done.
- He chopped up cherry and hickory (in the two buckets in front of the ladder so I can use that in the smoker.
- Changed out the lights in the garages to LED.
- Got the single car side of the garage all cleaned out and organized.

Today, we:
- Got the bedroom all set up in the basement. I like being able to sleep down there if it’s a stormy night and I’ll love sleeping down there in the summer when it stays so cool and it’s always quiet in there.
- Took the bathroom vents down and cleaned them.
- Filled the water softener with salt.
Tomorrow or Sunday, we need to:
- Get the TV hooked up in Addie’s room. We don’t have cable or anything but she can watch DVDs, Netflix, Youtube or whatever else you can do on TV.
- Change out the light bulbs in the sewing room.
- Set up the ironing station in the sewing room and get the cover on it.
Vince said this week that he doesn’t like having two houses. I said “What about your fishing cabin?” He kinda grimaced and said “I think I’m too old for two houses.” We’ll see.
It’s been nice having him here. I wish he would stay til Christmas but he’s ready to get back and get things finished up in Texas and get the house on the market. I asked when he’s coming back and he said “Not til summer!” but I hope he’s joking.
Dottie Newkirk says
Wishing y’all all the best and hoping the Texas house sells quickly.
Nelle Coursey says
I bet he will be back way before next summer!! Praying for safe travels for him. I know you will miss him. But you still have things to get done and maybe now Rita and Boots will see who really loves them! LOL
Suzette Harris says
Is it mostly his shop that’s left to pack and move? Hope it all goes smoothly and y’all are together again quickly!
Judy Laquidara says
Yes. There’s a lot of stuff he’s going to get rid of and not bring so it’s more work than simply packing it up and moving it. Vince knows that a lot of that stuff he’ll never use but it’s still hard to get rid of it so .. quickly is probably not going to describe this process.
Helen says
I am sorry that Vince has to return to Texas and finish things up. I know that you will both be fine, but a couple like you two is better together…you compliment each other so well.
Safe travels to Vince and hope you are back in each other’s arms before you know it.
God’s blessings for you both.