Cats, or most cats, cannot be trusted and I know that but Boots has been doing so good. Now that I’ve said that, today he will probably be the kitty from he**.
I think it’s been a week since he got on the table. When Vince is sitting at the table, Boots will now go sit under his feet to be petted.
He has only jumped the fence/gate into the kitchen/breakfast area once and that was when he first got here. Yesterday Vince went through the kitchen gate to get Rita and take her out. We got in the habit of not closing the gate when she wasn’t in there and he had left it open but I didn’t notice. I looked and Boots was in the breakfast room but he had gone through the open gate so I couldn’t fault him for that. When I was in the kitchen for hours yesterday, he stretched out on the living room side of the gate and watched me but never tried to cross into the kitchen. When Vince was in the kitchen and breakfast room, Boots would run from the kitchen gate, to the breakfast room fence, moving as necessary to keep his eye on Vince.
Yesterday Vince went out and while out, remembered to buy more spray bottles so yesterday we let Boots out of the sewing room. When he came upstairs, he went straight to the tree. I said NO and misted him. He took off . . ran downstairs but came back up a few minutes later and never touched the tree again. He would sit beside it and watch the lights but he didn’t get close to it.

Vince was downstairs watching football and I had gone to take a shower. I was about halfway done showering and I remembered . . Boots is upstairs unattended! When I came out, he was sitting on the sofa, minding his own business. You can see in that picture that he’s a bit chunky. I felt and I couldn’t find any ribs but that’s probably what he says about me too.
He is being such a good boy in his new surroundings. I wonder if he remembers the sewing room in Texas and if he wishes he could be back to that life that was all he knew til he got moved here a month ago. Who knows what/if cats think but I’m so pleased with how he seems to be adjusting.
Dottie Newkirk says
He’s probably loving his new home and he’s finding out quickly what’s OK and what’s not ok.
PattiLynn says
He’s pretty smart!! ..and I think he wants to please you. So happy he’s happy in his new home!
Wondering…are you going back to Tx or are you done with your part of the move? I’m nosy…lol.
Judy Laquidara says
I don’t plan to go back any time soon. We didn’t want to leave Boots there and have the pet sitter visit him once or twice a week while Vince was here for a month or so and now that Boots is in MO, it would be hard for me to go back and take both Rita and Boots. Vince is flying back so if I were to drive, I’d have them both. We have no one here that we would ask to take care of Boots and I don’t want to board him so . . unless I’m really needed, I don’t plan to go back.
Nelle Coursey says
I bet he is loving it! He has more room to explore and he has great windows to sit in and watch what goes on outside. He is in heaven!
Judy Laquidara says
He had three big windows with 14″ deep windowsills to sit in at the sewing room so I’m so happy we have those now.
wanda jordan says
Cats are smart. And they know when you change you tone of voice you mean business. Cats like the tree because the lights put off heat and it feels good. And yes they will bat at the balls but that is our fault with give them balls to play with . RIGHT? They adjust pretty fast and it looks like he has. I’m glad. make your life easier. Now don’t be surprised when Vince leaves he doesn’t cry( the cat) when I leave our cat cries for me looking to see where I am. So Boots might just answer him yourself when he does. So that he knows he sin’t alone now. Since you’ve been together 24/7 for awhile.