Probably no surprise but I don’t get into fancy gift wrapping. The packages under our tree are wrapped in bright paper, with bows from a bag. Usually I pick up bows and wrapping paper on sale after Christmas for the next year but this year, since I came here in October, I grabbed a couple of packs of wrapping paper and I guess . . some other things!

I was telling Nicole how much I love these big gift tags. They aren’t your typical “To:/From:” rectangular gift tags. They’re peel and stick and I sometimes have to look for a place to write the name.
I sent Nicole this picture and she wanted to know where I got them. I told her they were probably from last year because I didn’t even remember buying them this year but when I looked at the tag, it says “Walmart” on them and it says 2020 so I guess I did buy them this year. If I can find another package of them next time I’m in Walmart, I’m getting another package.
Nelle Coursey says
Donna in KS says
I agree! At our house, husband usually does simple wrapping and never put any more than name of the receiver, everyone knows that’s from us. There’s always an early comment, “Grandpa wrapped this, he uses plenty of tape”. We’ll have no gathering or gifts this year. We have been nowhere but hospitals and doctor’s offices since February 29. I will miss those after Christmas sales for next year! And lots of hugs too!!