I wish I cold have videoed Vince all day yesterday. He thoroughly enjoyed his cross-stitching. He went outside and worked for a while but he came back in, picked it up and worked more.

There’s still more stitching to do but I bet by the end of the day, he has this one finished.
At one point, he said “It’s a lot easier and less expensive than woodturning”. (He hasn’t seen the credit card bill yet!) I told him it was a lot neater too . . although he’s been sitting at the dining room table and it’s a bit of a mess but an easy mess to clean up.
He’s already found a program that will turn a photo into a charged piece, even giving you the DMC colors to use.
I’m so happy he’s enjoying it. His hobbies have pretty much all been outside hobbies except for the 3D printing and since he doesn’t like cold weather, he needed a new hobby. We’ll see how it goes and hope he continues to enjoy it.
Karen Sutton says
I wish I could get Bob to try it – or knitting. Most of his ‘puttering’ is outside stuff and there’s not much of that to do when it gets cold. Currently his inside ‘puttering’ involves food!
Diana Glasspool says
My Dad took up wool tapestry and did some amazing pictures, Vince might like to try that.
Valerie Zagami says
Very impressive! He did well. I love flamingos and think it is perfect. Good for Vince!
Carolyn says
He did a great job! And if cross stitch keeps him occupied and out of your yarn stash, so much the better!
Dottie Newkirk says
Great job!! Looks like Vince might get the same pleasure we do with seeing the thread art projects come to life.
DarW says
Excellent job, Vince!! Way to go!!
Donna says
His crosses are so neat. Nothing like my first attempt. You go Vince!!
Cilla says
Would you ask Vince what the name of the program is that will turn a photo into a cross stitch. I’d love to do one of my Dachshund who is at the Bridge. Thank you.
Judy Laquidara says
Twyla says
Good for Vince for trying something new. And it is portable for taking to the fishing cabin. OHHH! He could do a picture of the cabin, his fish he catches, OHHH the possibilities.
Patty Rhoades says
Do you follow Jo’s Country Junction? She does lots of cross stitching and she frames them and they look so nice. Good hobby for Vince.
Judy Domke says
Look at you go Vince! It looks great!
Marilyn says
I had done two wedding photos, two graduation photos, and one baby photo in cross stitch. They are time consuming but are really fun to do. They are amazing.
April Reeves says
You can sneak in your packages while he is focused on his cross stitiching. lol
Julie says
Very nice! I would love for my husband to give it a try. I had to laugh about the credit card bill…so true!
Elle says
Vince could do these for your Christmas tree! https://www.fatquartershop.com/bee-in-my-bonnet-stitch-cards-set-g-cross-stitch-pattern?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=stitch_card_g
Marilyn Smith says
Needlepoint is another great one. Pillows, framed pictures. Relaxing and lots of fun. I used to knit in my high school and college days, but now, living in the desert it is just too hot for more than a lite sweater. I do miss it.
Penny Holliday says
Impressed! Love the flamingo – very nice work!
Linda in NE says
Vince may just have found an indoor, cold-weather hobby. I’m sure in the warm months he will still find things to keep him busy outside. My hubby doesn’t have indoor hobbies so never quite knows what to do with himself during the cold, Nebraska winters since he retired. There was a time he spent a lot of time ice-fishing at a nearby lake but there has been a scarcity of fish the last 2-3 years. Somehow I don’t see him cross stitching!
Nelle Coursey says
I am impressed! Tell him Rosie Greer (the big bad football player) did this! He also knitted. He said it calmed him down between games and he could relax when he was doing it. You might want to tell Vince he is in good company! I think he can do great things!
Andrea in MO says
It looks great! I’m so glad he found something creative to keep himself busy. I would go crazy if I didn’t have something to work on.
Susan Nixon says
That looks good to me! I will never be a XS person, though, so I don’t know what kind of judge I am. My dad did rug hooking when he was recuperating from a spinal fusion. He enjoyed that.