We were in Walmart last week and I was looking for Christmas tree decorations when I saw the cutest snow globes. They’re in a lantern looking thing, are battery operated, light up and the snow flies around.

I know a lot of this kind of stuff is probably meant to be used one season and thrown away but for $10, I thought it was cute enough to buy. We got it home, put batteries in it and it is the cutest thing! Even Vince was impressed. He wanted to go back and get more.
We were in Walmart later last week. Seriously, we don’t go every day but Vince had to get new glasses, went to the Walmart in Joplin and really liked the ladies in there. Something didn’t seem right about his prescription from Texas so they suggested he get his eyes re-examined and he really liked the eye doctor there. I have seriously needed new glasses for at least two years. In early 2019 I needed new glasses, put it off, then decided I’d wait til after the first of the year (2020) since we no longer have vision insurance. You know the rest of that story! Covid!
Then, probably in May, I lost my glasses – just totally lost them. No surprise there, right? I dug out about 6 pairs of old glasses, wore each pair for a few days, then picked the ones I saw best using but best still isn’t very good. I’ve been complaining about not being able to see for a while so Vince suggested I see the eye doctor at Walmart so that’s why I was back there twice in one week. Yesterday he needed something from Walmart. We went. Tomorrow my new glasses should be in. For someone who never goes to Walmart from about October 1 through February 1 . . I’m surely spending a lot of time there when I’d rather not be out and around people at all!
Anyway . . second trip to Walmart last week and Vince wanted to get more snow globes but they were all gone. Yesterday when we were there, I was looking for a tree topper and happened to see a few snow globes down on the bottom shelf. I got one more to put on the mantle and one for Addie’s room.
I felt kinda bad because Vince was putting batteries in them and said “I wish I had one of these to take to Texas with me.” I told him he could have one but he’s flying, not carrying a bag and doesn’t want to mess with getting it back so maybe they will one at his Walmart when he gets there.
Elaine F Wibben says
I tried flying back from the christmas markets in Germany with a snow globe. They almost took it away from me as it contained liquid. I ended up putting it in my luggage and letting them take the suitcase instead of me in overhead storage.
April Reeves says
I just saw similar ones at a shop this past weekend. I looked at Brian and asked if he could make those. lol.
Twyla says
Bless his Christmasy heart. See there is still a kid in all of us especially at Christmas.
Nelle Coursey says
I am thinking he has missed Christmas! Wish he could be there with you for the holiday. Maybe he will surprise you!