I have fallen into a huge rabbit hole and, because you know I always have to have someone besides myself to blame, it’s my friend, Judy. A couple of days ago, she showed some cross-stitch patterns she was working on. I was smitten! I have to go back a bit farther than a few days ago. Sheri from The Loopy Ewe has a Floss Tube Channel. That lady starts and finishes more cross-stitch projects in a month than I’ll do in a lifetime! Besides that, she’s running The Loopy Ewe and knitting too. I love watching her. She’s so enthusiastic, gets excited about every project, and she chooses the neatest projects. I think I spent three hours last night watching a 45 minute video because I kept pausing to go look at what she was talking about.
Anyway, several months ago, that friend, Judy, had cross-stitched something that caught my attention. I asked her a bunch of questions. Then I somehow learned that my friend, Vicky, was also cross-stitching, so I wrote her and asked her a bunch of questions. I think she’s the one who told me that Sheri had a floss tube channel.
I had a few things come up since then . . like a move! 🙂 But when Judy showed those things she was working on, there was no denying that I wanted to cross-stitch. Back in my younger years, I did a good bit of cross-stitching. I remember a Precious Moments piece I cross-stitched and made into a pillow. That’s been a lot of years ago!

These are all from Stitching Housewives (Etsy). They definitely won’t be finished in time for this Christmas but maybe for next year. They even have a blog about how to finish these and it’s pretty amazing.
Of course, I didn’t stop there. I found several designers that I know I’m going to love. One of them is Luminous Fiber Arts.

Addie loves teal and she loves cats so I thought this one would be a good gift for her so I hope to get it done sooner rather than later.

This is one that Sheri made and showed. She made the birds blue and I think I may do the same thing.

I have thoughts . . fleeting thoughts, that I might have at least a few decorations for every season/celebration. Since I did knit and crochet a few pumpkins and I bought a pumpkin that lights up, that’s a start on Halloween/Fall so maybe I can get this done by next year.
You’re going to laugh but I’m going to try and not go hog wild and buy up way more than I’ll ever use. The things I bought are all things there’s a chance I could get done. But, there are only so many hours in my day. For something else to be added, something has to get put aside. We’ll see how this goes.
Nancy Hager says
LOL Not go wild? You have already started going wild. But the crazy thing is I am right there with you. I cross stitched years ago and stoped when I started having trouble seeing the little tiny holes. I then started quilting and really went wild buying fabric. But recently I have fallen back in love with cross stitch. I bought a magnifying light so hope to get back into it.
Paula says
Cross stitch is a great hobby, but I found I’d rather quilt, so my projects sit idle. This is actually a great project for kids. My daughter started when she was about 8 and has finished many wonderful projects over the years. As an engineer, she finds cross stitching at the end of the day a great stress reliever.
Carolyn says
I used to do lots of cross stitch and have a ton of old books and patterns…and so much floss! I’ve seen what everyone is doing on their blogs, but I’m not ready to jump back into that yet. Have fun…you should have more time living in Missouri since you won’t have an enormous garden to keep up with! 🙂
Judy Domke says
I’m sorry but I almost fell of my chair laughing. Not at you, I’m laughing with you! It is a rabbit hole! But it’s a fun rabbit hole. LOL I’m so happy to share with you. That’s what friends are for.
Thanks for sharing Sheri’s Flosstube. I needed a new binge watch.
Romonia Dinkla says
I also did cross stitch years ago. I kept all my supplies and patterns and this year I started doing it again. I am hooked, love it just as much as I used to. I have added lots of patterns and fabric and floss to my stash. I figure that I am keeping the economy going and giving myself something more to enjoy. I do the cross stitch at night in my recliner with a great lamp beside me.
Judy Laquidara says
That’s exactly where I will do it – in my knitting chair with my good light. I’m fixing to go downstairs and dig and see if I can find my old cross-stitch stuff. If I do, I’ll declare that my Christmas Miracle!
Laura says
I did a lot of cross stitch between about 1990 and 2005, when I fell down the quilting rabbit hole. I hung out there full time until recently, when I saw some charts online by The Tiny Modernist that I absolutely loved. They are miniature cityscapes (Seattle, Austin, San Francisco, etc.), and I bought five of those charts. I’m enjoying stitching the first one, but I don’t think I’ll ever get back into cross-stitch to the extent I used to because there are too many quilts to make! I think my husband would have me committed if I got into knitting.
Rebecca says
Oh, boy…it’s a good thing I don’t cross stitch. I like a lot of the Tiny Modernist’s designs! I can see how it would be easy to dive into that rabbit hold.
Judy Laquidara says
I think a few of those might have just jumped into my collection! 🙂
I love the 2019 Halloween SAL and the 2020 Christmas Dreams design.
Ranch Wife says
LOL…a rabbit hole is just another word for adventure and who doesn’t love an adventure! Go forth and enjoy! Kind of itching to pick it up again too so make room in that rabbit hole – I’ll be right behind you!
Diana says
You’ve fallen and you never get up!!! Welcome to my latest addiction, I mean hobby. I have done lots of Stitching with he Housewives patterns. You should also look at Fat Quarter shop and their flosstubes. They have several monthly series where you get the project, the fabric and all the floss every month. I specifically like using pdf patterns, or turning paper patterns into pdf’s. Did you know you can bring pdf patterns up in Knit Companion? Makes it much easier to follow when you can make the patterns bigger.
Judy Laquidara says
I have at least one order on its way from Fat Quarter Shop. Yes, the first thing I downloaded went into Knit Companion. Love being able to do the “invert” and have the rows darkened except what I’m using and the vertical line makes it easy to keep up with what section I’m working on.
April Reeves says
Playful cats has no outlining so it should go really quick.
Nelle Coursey says
I am working on a counted cross stitch now (between knitting) and it is two bluebirds or love birds done in blue stitching. It says I loved you yesterday, I love you still, always have, always will. It is a pain to stare at a blank canvas, find the center and decide what colors you need to use!! These colors of blue are so close to the same color, it is hard for me to make sure I am using the correct color! It is a challenge, but I love it!
Nelle Coursey says
And by the way, you can tell Vince you are not ordering yarn, you are ordering floss and things for presents! LOL
cindy says
I don’t do a lot of cross stitching any more due to vision issues, but i did do one and a part of another of the same design last year. I found that if i made a grid on the fabric I could keep track of where i was easier. Once i had found the center, I took a single strand of thread and went up and down in 10 bar sections and then did the same thing across. I was hoping you would go back to the quilting, but I can enjoy your cross stitching just as I enjoy seeing your knitting.
Bon says
Well, this post made me chuckle. You definitely need longer days.
Karen Sutton says
Lord have mercy – here we go again! I spent several years doing cross stitch and needlepoint. Still love to make needlepoint belts and I have a huge drawer of cross stitch patterns/projects/threads. And that’s after I gave a huge box of materials to a friend. I’ve been looking at cross stitch patterns for a while now and have managed to abstain – I didn’t know about Sherri’s Floss Tube channel. I think I’m doomed to another rabbit hole. It’s always fun to follow you down these tunnels. LOL
Denise Russart says
I did lots of cross-stich before I got back into knitting. It was my work lunchtime project. I still have several patterns of part of a series I started with Amish figures and quilts in all of them – several are framed, several need to be framed and several need to be stitched or finished stitching (and one reframed since it fell and broke the frame) but I haven’t had that stuff out in many years.
Clare Wilkinson says
Oh my goodness. I fell into that rabbit hole a couple years ago and have enjoyed every minute of it. Same story as you—-cross stitched years ago and stumbled upon a Flosstube video. Just amazing how the craft has changed. The patterns, the threads, the fabric, the bags.
I also knit, sew, quilt and read. I heard one lady say——there just isn’t enough time in the day to get passionate about something else! Somehow I’m squeezing it all in and loving every minute.
Have fun!