I’m seriously sad about the turn of events with Boots! You know that Rita adores Vince. She isn’t mean to me but she has no use for me at all. I pick her up and she’s fighting to get down. Vince picks her up, she snuggles up against him (briefly) and has that loving look in her eyes.
Boots has always been MY cat. In the sewing room, he sat with me while I sewed, while I knitted, while I did computer work. Now . . he has nothing to do with me. He follows Vince around like a puppy. Today Vince went to the bathroom, closed the door and Boots sat at the door and meowed in this “death is imminent” meow. He waited there til Vince came out of the bathroom. What is wrong with me? I’m a nice person and they can both thank me for their cushy living quarters. When Rita first arrived, Vince fixed her a bed in an old vacuum cleaner on the porch OUTSIDE! I got back from Missouri and said “No! She’s too little to live outdoors!” and we brought her in. Boots came as a kitten and I said “He can live in the sewing room. It’s safe and warm/cool in there!” Vince didn’t even want a cat in the house and I convinced him to give it a try with Boots here and this is what I get!

Yesterday Boots did hop up in my knitting chair with me. I was so happy! But, he wanted my yarn ball and as soon as he was able to make a getaway with the yarn, he was down.
I told Vince “I’m getting a dachshund!” Vince said “How do you know it won’t like me best?” That was not an encouraging thing to say.
I really do not know why both Rita and Boots like Vince so much and me so little. I don’t like it one bit. I had accepted that Rita would never love me like she loves Vince but Boots . . that caught me by surprise. I’m hoping that once Vince goes back to Texas and I’m here alone with them, at least Boots will remember that I was his first best buddy and we can rekindle that relationship before Vince gets back and resumes the position of “Most Loved by the Pets” around here.
Helen says
We have a cat that is about 14 or so. She has “cattitude”, too! She will choose my husband over me most of the time, but she is mine to cuddle me in the evenings. THEN, all of a sudden, she gets all cranky and doesn’t want me at all! Cats, they are fickle/unpredictable creatures.
Don’t feel too bad, things will switch around when you least expect it!
Dottie Newkirk says
I know it’s not funny, but, at the same time it is funny. I sometimes wonder if we try too hard and the animals “know” they have us under their spell and the spouse (who is so so about the animals) needs to be shown that the animal(s) need them under their spell, too.
Sandi B says
Oy, Vince!!! I literally laughed out loud at that! We’ve had dogs that were fickle like that. No rhyme or reason.
Nelle Coursey says
I think that will do the trick! Then Boots and Rita will both see that you are the one that cares for them and you can be loved back also! That is like treason for them to turn on you when you did nothing to deserve it!
Rosalie says
Sometimes animals go to husband more because he sits in his chair more and gives out treats. I’m the one that feeds them and let’s them in and out of the house dozens of times a day! No justice.
Karen Sutton says
I feel your pain – I’m the extraneous human around here – except when Bob’s not home.