I must be the worst judge of time or maybe it’s the worst at time management. Every day I think I’m going to finish this project. That’s every day or the last 10 days. The rows are long. Some days I get sidetracked and knit half a row but on average, I can easily knit about 12 rows per day.

I’m really excited to get it finished and blocked. So, my real guess is that I’ll finish it by Monday night. We shouldn’t leave the house either day so that gives me a lot of knitting time. I have 28 rows left so that means I have to do at least 14 rows per day.
NOTE TO SELF: By the end of today, I should be on row 5 of 2nd repeat.
Can I do it? Sure hope so! I have other projects I need to get finished!
montanaclarks says
Twelve rows of how many stitches?? I want to judge how slow I actually am!
Judy Laquidara says
About 460 stitches. The straight knitting rows are 12 minutes each. The purl rows are 14 minutes each and the two color rows are about 16 minutes each.
Denise Russart says
That’s how I felt too when I got past the half way mark – like I was making incredibly slow progress but those long rows take a long time. You’re nearly there and your color combo is wonderful!
Judy Laquidara says
There are so many other things that I have to stop and do – naps, cooking, laundry, take the dog out. Not complaining but it all takes time. It seems every day like I should get in at least four or five hours of knitting and I’m doing good to get one hour of knitting.
Joyce says
Judy, is this a test knit? I tried to find a pattern that looks similar, but am failing. Thanks for the help, and keep up the good work!
Judy Laquidara says
It is a test knit. I’ll post here when the pattern is released.
Elizabeth Jones says
I can’t wait to see it snd make my own. Lovely colors, too!!
Sara says
Very pretty yarn choices on this one.
Judy Laquidara says
Thank you!
Nelle Coursey says
Very pretty. I love the pattern.
Karen Marie Koppy says
I love this! Looking forward to the pattern.