With Thanksgiving this week . . finally . . since I’ve been thinking it was “this coming Thursday” for two weeks before this week, so I’m planning things that can be done one, two, three or even four days ahead to reduce the Thanksgiving morning.
The first thing I do is get the cornbread and biscuits to drying for the dressing.

This morning, Vince and Addie thought I was being super nice by making a big breakfast but really, I just needed a few biscuits to crumble for the dressing.
We had eggs, sausage, sausage gravy, biscuits and grits.
I’m thinking this may be the day we order pizza delivery for dinner but, we may want to save that trick for Tuesday or Wednesday when I’ll be more busy with Thanksgiving cooking.
Nelle Coursey says
Good plan, get everything you can out of the way so you can enjoy the dinner as well. Since you are the cook, I hope others will help clean up!