You know Vince had a blowout on the way to Texas. The rim was ruined, the screws that hold the back bumper on were torn out, the fender was ripped loose and the piece that covers the gas line was torn off. Vince picked it up when he was changing the tire and brought it and the Honda people were able to put new screws in that.
After he got here, he took the car to the mechanic and had them go over everything to make sure it was still a decent vehicle before spending money on new tires and the body work.
Sunday he went out to run errands. His phone wasn’t holding a charge so he went by the phone place that is supposed to fix phones but a new battery was too expensive so he went to Target and bought a new phone. I’m not sure where else he went.
Yesterday he went to Discount Tire to get new tires and a new rim for the spare. Then he had more errands to run but while at Discount Tire, he noticed his car had been keyed so it probably happened at the phone store or Target.

I was going out to the fridge in the garage just as he was opening the garage door so I stayed out. He got out of the car and he said “Someone keyed my car!” I thought he said “Someone peed in my car.” I said “It had to be Boots!” He looked at me funny and said “Go around to the back passenger door!”
I thought that was weird because Boots was riding in the front passenger seat. His car stays in the garage at night so I couldn’t imagine that someone would have gotten in his car and peed!
Then I saw his door and realized he said “keyed” . . not “peed”. Oh goodness . . it’s a good thing we can laugh at ourselves.
I said “What are you going to do?”
He said “I’ll fix it!”

I said “Don’t you want to call Jeff (our paint & body guy) and let him do it?” Nope . . for $5 Vince can fix it! OK. There’s a reason why we drive old cars!
Paula Nordt says
I’m driving what I call my ghetto car. No AC, because after the third time spending mega bucks to have it repaired, I said I’d do without, since my mechanic said the car probably wouldn’t last another twenty thousand miles. At the time, I drove that much in a little over a year. Six years and 110,000 miles later, I’m still driving it. I told my husband, I’d drive it until it fell apart! Which it might do soon! Not looking forward to a car payment. I need Vince to find a really good used car for me, but even when he is back in Texas, I’m twenty minutes southwest of Houston and he’s not.
Susan Nixon says
That’s really a sad commentary, when you can’t drive your car somewhere without getting something like that. Vince is totally competent. =)
Nelle Coursey says
I hate people who do this! There is no reason to do things like this. I don’t care how old the car is! Someone broke the mirror on my Cherokee while I was still working and it really p’oed me!!
Betty Woodlee says
So glad you shared this post. It’s 2:09 Wednesday morning, November 18 and I just read keyed on/peed in car event! I laughed and laughed until I nearly peed my pjs. You and Vince sound just like Fred and I trying to communicate with each other. Most of the time, neither of us make the other understand. Thanks for the laugh!
Judy Laquidara says
Isn’t it crazy how the things that seem so simple, I just can’t get Vince to understand and I’m sure he feels the same way about me. I sometimes just what to say “What is wrong with you?” but I know he’s wanting to say the same thing to me and neither of us say it and we move on.
Helen says
Ohmygosh! I cracked up then I read this post! We were watching something on tv, so when it was over, I said to the hubs, “I want to read you a post Judy put on her blog. You know Judy…the woman who lived in Texas and is moving to Missouri.” (By the way, this is always how I refer to you when I tell him something about you.)
We both cracked up…I actually had to stop and compose my voice a couple of times because I was laughing so hard!
We do the same thing! Our hearing (and diction) evidently isn’t what it used to be!
Thanks for posting, Judy.