It was just yesterday that I bought the doll clothes. Reading your comments about telling you where I put them. . I had to laugh.
I came in and put them on a bar stool but told myself I need to hide them from Addie. I guess I made it to the kitchen counter with them and that was all I remembered. When I got ready to find them to take the picture, I couldn’t find them. I was even out going through the trash to see if they might have gotten thrown away but I found them tucked in a corner on the kitchen conter.
Now . . here’s where they are: In the top right drawer of my dresser! Y’all remember that for me! 🙂
Nancie Dockery says
Thank you for the chuckle this afternoon. We all have those moments of “Where did I put that special item, where it will be safe?”
Judy Laquidara says
There’s so much stuff to be put away. I start with something, see something else, put down what’s in my hand, grab the other thing and then I can’t remember what I did with either of them. I need to slow down – finish one thing and not stop mid-stream.
Nancy says
We moved from the house we lived in for 44 years and downsized. I can remember where I kept everything in the old house but search and search and search for things in the new place still….after 4 years. Part of the problem is I can’t remember if I kept something or got rid of it. It is getting better. This year I decided I needed to clean out a few closets and rearrange them. That has helped. Might not have done that if we hadn’t been forced to stay home. Guess I need to look at the current ‘freeze’ on activity that our governor has called for the next month as an opportunity to do more cleaning.
Judy Laquidara says
That’s the problem for me too. I can remember pulling things out, looking at them and trying to decide whether to keep them or not . . and that’s where I stop remembering. Plus, so much of our stuff is still in Texas so did I bring it, did I toss it or is it still there? If it’s here, I need to find it. If not, can I do without til everything from Texas is here and then decide if I need to buy it?? I don’t want to end up with two or three of things but with the holidays, I need a 9 x 13 metal cake pan and I need a 9 x 13 glass baking dish – maybe two glass dishes! Ughh!
Twyla Starr says
Me, too. Just the other day I thought I must make a list of things I have put away on a colored index card in my recipe box.
Teri says
Too funny! Did you mention where you put your cookie molds while you wait for the needed ingredients to arrive?
Nancy says
What I want to know is where you are storing the cookie molds.
Judy Laquidara says
They are sitting on the bar, next to the wall and I can see them from my knitting chair. I’m waiting for the baker’s ammonia and anise oil to arrive so I can make cookies.
Liz says
Are you sure? There are some mischievous gnomes who go around hiding things….
I’m reading up on the cookies and I realized that I have a rolling pin from my Mom ‘s kitchen that rolls out 12 impressions. I’ll have to try some cookies this winter. But, I’ll also do some “lizzies” which are fruitcake cookies. I’ll send you the recipe via email so you can try & share…
Judy Laquidara says
I used the springerle rolling pins for years. I’d love to see a picture of the rolling pin that belonged to your mom and I’d love to have the “Lizzies” recipe. I’ve heard of them but never realized they were a fruitcake cookie.
Suzette Harris says
Girl I was going to askwhere you’re storing the cookie molds! Lol
Donna M says
Oh, dear. My first thought was, “Judy will not know where that wedding dress is later.” Sorry. LOL