I do not enjoy decorating. I do not enjoy shopping for things to decorate the house. If the former owners would have left pictures up, even pictures of their family . . I would have been happy.
This one thing is bothering me though and I don’t know how to fix it.

In the dining room, there are three windows. Heck . . you need a bigger picture, don’t you?

There are three windows and two swag things on top. I’m not changing the curtains but that spot in the middle where the two come together . . or maybe it’s just where the one piece is crimped . . I don’t know.
My question is this: What can I put there? What would you call it? Where would I look to find it? I want something I can order. I looked back at the pictures from when the house was for sale and there wasn’t anything there.
Thanks for any suggestions.
QuilterBea says
So, you don’t like the scallop look of the valance?
Judy Laquidara says
I like it just fine. I want something to hang in that spot where it’s cinched up.
Pat says
If you can find a coordinating fabric and make a small swag to go behind and cover that spot. Does look strange.
PamO says
How about a full picture of the windows?
Are the scalloped swags one piece or 2 separate pieces?
One option would be to remove the swags.
Cheryl Lorence says
I’m really not a fan of heavy window coverings. I love having the light streaming in. All of our windows either have the white wooden blinds like your wooden ones, or pull down honeycomb shades. If it were me, Iwould probably just remove those curtains altogether and if you still felt it needed something, maybe just a cream colored panel on each end of the whole set of windows and none in the middle. I struggle with windows too. I’ve lived in my house six years now and not a single curtain in the house…..just the blinds I mentioned. The people we bought the house from didn’t have curtains either.
Judy Laquidara says
This is the only window on the front of the house besides the one in the extra bedroom that will be Vince’s office. I’m not much into changing anything. We don’t have curtains in Texas but here, the house is close enough to the road that people can see in that window. The back windows mostly don’t have anything on them.
Connie H. says
Not sure how it would look, but maybe hang a decorative tassel there to partially fill the space? I found this listing that might spark some ideas. From Amazon: Leoyoubei 1 Pair 30.5″ Beaded Tassels Curtain Tiebacks Rope Holdbacks.
Sibyl Scott says
Went back and looked a another picture of your dining room—are you not really liking the swag portion of the window coverings. Why not take them and make them more of a valance vs swag–that way it would cover the whole top part. I am not a home decorator type person much either but that might an alternative.
Judy Laquidara says
I’m fine with the swag. Just wanted something in that one spot in the middle.
Donna Goodman says
I would get a floral swag from Hobby Lobby to go in the space.
Cindi says
Have you considered taking them down? It looks like you have beautiful wood work being hidden. The curtains are only there for decoration. I am not a curtain fan myself, so I would vote to take them down. If that isn’t an option, look in some current magazines and see if you can get some ideas for redoing the valance in a way you like better.
Linda in NE says
Swags are so last century. Just take it down and keep the drapes. A much lighter look. As always, it’s just my opinion, for what it’s worth.
Nancy Elliott says
In some catalogs I have seen a type of hook to hold the swag with a medallion front on it Kind of nice if you like a little fancy
Ann Garner says
Don’t know how many holes would be left in the wall once you remove them (which would look unsightly) but I think it would look more modern and up to date if the valances were removed. Things wouldn’t look so heavy.
Liz says
Do you use the shutters at night and during very bright days? Do you pull the drapes over the shutters? I suspect that the swag is one of those that also hangs on the outside of the window space, so you could not use the curtains. So, it is all decoration, but one that is all or nothing.
A. Take it all down and see if you like the all wood look of the shutters with no softening of the drapes.
B. Remove the swag and move the two small drape sections to the outer edges. You would have some softness, but then see more of the wood shutters and the wood surround. I am assuming that the top of the curtains have either a pocket for the rod or tabs. In my kitchen,
I also have three windows close together, but no shutters. I have sage green curtains at the ends and white sheers in the middle. I keep the sheers over the windows most of the time so people on the street cannot see in.The light does come in. But, I can push the sheers together, which makes them denser and pull the thicker green curtains across the windows if I want the room to be darker. It works for me.
C. Keep the swag material, but move the location of the tie-up to the middle of where the drapes are so you are creating three smaller swags, not two longer ones. This assumes that you will not really be using the drapes. And you would not be seeing that section of the wood moulding trim. If the swag is really two sections, you can always sew, pin, or glue the two sections together. You probably have some sewing glue or spray adhesive around the house.
If you ever repaint that room, then you can decide if you want a different style of drapes or shutters.
LIz says
As someone mentioned above, I am not a fan of swags since it is an older look, but also the swags can be dust collectors. I take my kitchen curtains down periodically to wash them. I’ll change the set up when I change out the windows.
Judy Laquidara says
There’s actually so much wood in this house that I think it looks better to have a bit of it covered. I do have wooden blinds and I do keep them open most of the day. There are 12′ ceilings in that room so I think it does need something above the windows.
Hey . . all I need is something to hang over that middle spot. I’m not into decorating and what’s here now will probably be what’s here when I leave this house to go to the old folks home.
Kim Webb says
It looks like a beautiful wood moulding that you are trying to cover up. I personally think that curtains especially swags are very outdated. A beautiful lace curtain would let some light in if you really need something there.
Judy Laquidara says
I am not much on style so if it’s there and serving the intended purpose, it all stays.
patti says
i tend to think of some sort of vine-ish not exactly round wreath, but a more hangy down shaped thing like you would see on a front door. not that big, just a blendy more vertical unflashy decorative thing like you might find at michael’s.
Dottie Newkirk says
Maybe some sort of small/medium circle medallion?
Shari says
I’ve used curtain tie-backs to look like they are holding it up. I would probably use the round ones instead of hooks. You could even use three across there if you like.
Linda R says
A small willow wreath with whatever silk flowers and foliage that matches your decor would sit nicely there. You can find ready-made arrangements at hobby stores like Michaels and JoAnns. Hang it so the very top of the wreath covers the gathers of the swag. You and Addie could shop for or make seasonal ones together.
Judy Laquidara says
I’m not ready to go out and shop in public so whatever I get, I’ll have to order . . or wait til the COVID isn’t so bad here. The ideas y’all are coming up with are helping me though.
Pandy says
Judy, I think you need a large medallion there. A piece of drapery jewelry. You might even have something you could use in your sewing supplies – think large fancy button. I was thinking metallic but even a large covered button might work. A trip to Hobby Lobby might be in order. 🙂
A google search for “Goleta round medallion” will give you an idea of what I was thinking but I only see them as things that are anchored to the wall and it seems you could use something to just sew or glue on the spot.
Judy Laquidara says
Yes, drapery medallion is what I was not thinking about and now I’m on the right track. Thank you!
Heather Sedlacek says
We have a similar situation here. I got what I think is actually part of a wind chime or Christmas ornament but missing the chime part. It has a bunch of different Crystal’s which are pretty in the sunlight but it is short enough that it doesnt hang in the way of looking out the window. I also have another one that is actually a bracket to put the rod in but has a decorative center. That came from Walmart.
Judy Laquidara says
Oh, I would love something like that. I might could even have some kind of a small stained glass piece made that would work there. I’m getting closer to what I want. Thanks!
Nelle Coursey says
Can you get or make a tassel to put there? Maybe using the colors of the curtains. You could make one out of cord and put it in the middle there.
Karen K says
When I’m stuck, I ask my daughter. Ask Nicole for some ideas.
Paula says
Is the fabric is cinched in the center? If so, remove that cinch and put one over each of the panels hanging down or just leave it hanging if you like the look once the cinch in the center is gone.
Judy Laquidara says
I kinda looked at it better and I think it’s just one long piece up there.
Laura says
Just an idea – drape a solid color scarf in that spot so that the ends are behind the swag on each side, and it drapes in a half circle shape over the cinched up spot of the join.
Another idea is a ribbon flower or bow of some sort pinned or hot glued on.
The hardest part of either of these choises I think will be finding the right color.
cindy says
amazon has some nice looking swag medallions for holding back the curtains on the sides, but you could use just one and put it in the middle. several looked like they would go well with the curtains and wood. if you want something larger, you could also sew or knit a rose to fill the space or use a pretty piece of coordinating fabric in a circular frame. I am sure Vince could come up with a way to attach it to the wall.
Judy Laquidara says
I think all these ideas have me on the right track now. I just wasn’t able to think of “medallion” and thinking along those lines helps. I actually have a glittery snowflake that I bought to hang from the ceiling fan in Addie’s room and even something like that would work.
wanda jordan says
Maybe a painted wooden medaillion. Look at Home depot of one or even online. Round think like a huge decorative button. A wooden tie back would work too but would have to be big like maybe 8 inches. They make things to go around lights and ceiling fans at the top. Would have to put a round wood thing in center to cover hole . Or a big fabric rose looking thing if you like those kind of decoration. Silk flower boquet. I’m sure there are other ideas I’ll think on this . If come up something else I’ll post.
danielle says
I am not very good with decorating either…..check Pinterest and see photos there? The only things I could thing of are seasonal ornaments, which means remembering to change them…..flowers. Some type of flower thing there.