Except, I couldn’t play around with knives because I only have on wimpy little paring knife here. 🙁 The really weird thing is that I left Texas with four of my favorite knives in the pocket of my car door. I have taken them out and put them somewhere . . but where? Let’s hope they don’t stay lost as long as those cookie molds have!

The guy is coming soon, maybe today, to refinish the deck so I figured a little grease on the wood isn’t going to hurt anything since he has to power wash it one day, then come back after it’s dried to do whatever he’s doing (I have no idea!). Rather than making a splattering mess to have to clean up on the stove, it was so much easier out there now that I have a table (from Texas).
I had black pearl mushrooms from the farmers’ market, one leftover chicken breast from when I took a package out of the freezer to cook to make food for Rita and one small piece of the beef tenderloin after I had cut it all up and froze it in four separate bags.
I seasoned up the meat, browned it in butter, removed it from the pan, added the mushrooms, then garlic, then cream, then parmesan cheese. I cooked frozen homemade noodles and baked a purple sweet potato.

Marshmallows, a bit of cinnamon. The potato is sweet enough that it didn’t need brown sugar. That was an amazing and quick dinner.
Look how gorgeous that purple sweet potato is! I love those things. Natural Grocer in Joplin has them almost all the time and they last a long time so I’ll get 5 or 6 of them when I’m in there.

More good news! Leftovers!

I only ate about one-third of that potato. Leftover potato, pasta and the chicken/beef sauce. More knitting time for me.
Tricia says
About those cookie molds: I think it’s time to let them go. What’s that saying about, “if you love something set it free…?!” Maybe they were just a love story that was never meant to be…
Therese says
My sweet tooth asks “was that vegetable side called Sweet Potato with marshmallows….or Marshmallows with sweet potatoes?”
Judy Laquidara says
Marshmallows with 1/3 of a sweet potato . . just for color. 🙂