How often do I mention using packets of mixes? I don’t think very often but maybe/hopefully I’m wrong because I sure have a lot of it.

There are a couple of pressure cooker recipes that I use a packet of seasoning/mix but other than that .. why do I have all this.
If you need brown gravy mix . . I’m your girl!

16 packets of it and guess what I bought at Walmart last week? Yep, a packet of brown gravy mix because the Mississippi Pot Roast recipe is on my menu for this week. I knew I had a packet or two . . or 15 but I wasn’t sure I’d come across them before I wanted to cook the roast.

Don’t think I’m partial to brown gravy mix . . there’s turkey gravy mix, pork gravy mix and au jus gravy.

The best thing for me to do is just not go to the grocery store . . ever again!
Andrea in MO says
I have to laugh at this because my husband is the same way. He’s never quite sure what’s at home, so he picks up a packet or two just in case. Our packets runneth over!
Judy Laquidara says
I’d always rather have too many than none but I am going to try to use what I have and not buy more for a while.
Swooze says
I write my grocery list then go through the pantry crossing off items but my packets are plenty!
Dottie Newkirk says
The sad thing is when you find a gravy or sauce mix you (and your whole family LOVE) and it’s either no longer made or not available in the U.S. any longer (there’s something similar in Canada). We used to buy (unfortunately, maybe?!?!? never hoarded, LOL) a Knorr Green peppercorn gravy mix that was out of this world. I get (and our daughter) a hankering for it and so wish it was still available.
Liz says
Dottie – have you looked online? Sometimes items “disappear” but the store just isn’t stocking it anymore. If it is on Amazon or EBay, it is still being made. I’ve had success in asking my local store to stock or at least order something for me.
Dottie Newkirk says
Yes, I did look for it online (so did my daughter in case “mom” missed it, LOL). No luck. My son was working in Canada last year and was able to find one that was similar (peppercorn with white, green and red peppercorns) but it doesn’t taste the same. I think I saw something like that at Amazon one time but the cost was astronomical.
Judy Laquidara says
I had seen it at Amazon for something like $10 per pack but people who used the new version said it didn’t taste the same. I do not like white peppercorns at all so I knew I wouldn’t like that one. Surely there’s a copycat recipe for the old green peppercorn sauce. I’m on a mission! 🙂
Judy Laquidara says
I used to love that too and had kinda forgotten about it but a couple of years ago tried to find it. There is one, and it’s made by Knorr but it’s pretty expensive and those who have tried it say it isn’t the same recipe. Now you have me wanting it again. I bet we could make it from scratch if we could remember exactly what it tasted like.
Dottie Newkirk says
If you are able to duplicate it, let me know – it was SO good!
Judy Laquidara says
I honestly don’t remember enough about to to even try.
Dottie Newkirk says
I’ve been obsessing about this sauce since we talked about it the other day…..The latest information I saw about it was this comment from Knorr….”
Response from Knorr®:
Consumer Services · 4 years ago
We appreciate that you’ve taken the time to reach out to us. Please allow us to apologize for the difficulty you have had locating this product. Unfortunately, the Green Peppercorn sauce has been discontinued in the USA and we have no remaining stock. We will share your comments with our team and let them know that you would love to see this product be made available again.”
I wonder if it’s time to send them a note and ask if this might be on the drawing board yet?!?!? LOL
Judy Laquidara says
I knew they weren’t selling it any more but until we talked, didn’t realize they were still selling it in other places. I just wish I could remember exactly what it tasted like. I ordered green peppercorns in brine, which one recipe called for and that makes sense because they were kinda like capers that I do get in brine. I got notice this morning that the peppercorns had been shipped so I’m going to try one of the recipes I found when they arrive.
Liz says
The drawer looks like it is a spice or tool drawer that’s by the stove. It’s perfect to hold your packets.of sauce. Too bad all cabinets can’t be so perfect for our things.
I have some deep kitchen cabinets, so I’ve put some duplicates or rarely used tools in the smaller plastic tubs to stash in the back. That way, I don’t have to dig that far back for an item that I do use. Periodically, I go through those boxes and thin out again. I’m working on updating “Notes” as to what is in each box and where it is. I think Vince wrote a post about using “Notes” and I started keeping track of things. It’s been useful.
Judy Laquidara says
Not by the stove. It’s by the fridge. The former owners called it the “kool aid drawers” There are three of them and apparently when their children were growing up, they went through lots of kool aid. One is for the spice packets. One is Addie’s snack drawer where I keep all the snacks she can have any time (limit of two) unless there’s a special magnet on the fridge which means it’s too close to dinner or too close to bedtime and the snacks are off limits.
vivoaks says
That drawer is perfect for those packets! I have a wire holder that holds a few (never enough) that’s in the cupboard above the stove, so not easy to get to. I used to be 5; 5″, but now am just over 5′ 3″… Gettin’ old!!
Judy Laquidara says
I have a wire box type thing that I’ve used for probably 40 years so I love having the drawer. I kept my wire box on top of the fridge so I know what you mean about having trouble getting to it.
Twyla says
Have you noticed the Mississippi roast recipe does not use brown gravy I do use 2 packs of brown gravy mix to cook my roast in with bay leaf, salt and pepper, garlic powder and a few other herbs maybe.. It is our favorite recipe. I have cooked a roast with pepperoncini peppers and it was so good.
Linda in NE says
My collection of those packets is VERY small. Almost all of them are too salty for my taste. I do use the turkey gravy packets, but with twice as much or more liquid and some added corn starch.
Nelle Coursey says
I do that a lot also!!
Ruth says
This last weekend I wanted gravy to go over the leftover baked potatoes and found a recipe online that turned out exactly right. I’ve always made gravy out of the meat drippings (didn’t have any), but this required more butter and flour and was just the right amount. For some reason I have many packets of taco seasoning….I think I plan to make taco soup a lot this winter.
Judy Laquidara says
I almost always start out with a roux for my gravy. Sometimes it’s drippings but often it’s just butter or oil and flour. Glad you found a recipe that worked!
JustGail says
I try not to have too many of these around as I’m on the fence about them. On one hand – they are so convenient. On the other – it seems like a lot of money for a small amount of mostly salt, sugar, corn starch, or some combination thereof. On the third hand – how much would I spend in herbs and spices to replace them?
Judy Laquidara says
I keep them always because it’s usually when we’re super tired that one of us wants something like that and it’s so much easier to use a mix. I don’t ALWAYS use a mix but I do always have them in my pantry.