My life/way of thinking would drive most people nuts. Maybe it’s already happened and that’s why I do the things I do. Sounds possible, right?
Last night I had plans for today to finish unpacking the boxes in the food storage room but this morning the “kitchen” boxes in the dining room caught my attention. I told myself I’d unpack half of them, then go downstairs and start working. I thought there were four stacks of five boxes so I opened and put away 10 boxes, then realized there were five stacks of five boxes so I hadn’t done half of them but I was tired. A lot of the stuff goes in the upper shelves and I have to get on the step stool. There’s only so much up and down I can do in one day.

This cabinet bothers me. That wine is taking up way too much room. Vince buys wine like I buy yarn but I probably use more yarn than he does wine. I hate to say “ALL the cabinets are mine” but . . aren’t they? At least the ones in the kitchen. We have a little wine cabinet/rack thing in Texas. Maybe we could bring it here and put it . . where? Food storage room maybe. It will stay cooler in there since it’s the basement. I can’t just say “You can’t have the ONE shelf in the ONE cabinet you wanted!” so I’ll come up with a better plan and maybe he’ll like the idea and I won’t sound so greedy.

These are the cabinets in the laundry room. I have more pie pans that will go on the second shelf, because one never knows when she’ll need to bake 10 or more pies at once, right? I can barely reach the bottom shelf of these cabinets without using the step stool.

I did get most of the cookbooks, pretty much all that will fit, on the shelves at the end of the cabinets.

If it wasn’t for bread and canning/fermenting, I wouldn’t have many cookbooks at all.
These are the memories that mean so much to me. This is an old cookbook that belonged to my grandma.

The pages are typed out on a typewriter, probably not even an electric one. It’s the Sabine Homemakers – title is handwritten. They lived in Sabine Parish (Louisiana – they don’t have counties).

On the back . . she has written my address. That was probably the very early 80’s or maybe even late 70’s. I can’t even remember which place we lived that had Route 9. I remember Route 5. That was at a time when Lake Charles had one zip code – 70601. Now, like most everywhere, there are multiple zip codes for different parts of the city.
It’s after 2. Do I unpack more boxes or find something to knit? I am going downstairs to grab a jar of pulled pork for dinner so maybe I will unpack a few boxes.
Sara Fridley says
The old cookbooks – especially the family ones – are treasures. It’s nice that they are in the hands of someone who appreciates them. I ended up buying a baker’s rack for my kitchen when we moved into this house. Bottom shelf holds most of my cookbooks, next up is a wine rack, then 3 shelves that hold my grandmother’s recipe box and other little treasures.
Julie says
Sounds to me like you’ve made a lot of progress for one day! I say feet up and knit for a while. You may feel like doing a few more boxes after dinner…..or maybe not!
Liz says
I vote for the wine storage downstairs – perhaps a nice wine bar setup complete with a wine fridge and snack storage. Perfect for the man cave concept.
Judy Laquidara says
We don’t have nearly the room for that, nor do I want to be hauling wine glasses upstairs and downstairs. Also, that would be breaking my “no eating or drinking” rule that we only eat at a dining or breakfast room table.
Nelle Coursey says
Years ago when Pat would print a cookbook for a family, he would print an extra one for me! I love them!! At some point I will give those that I have back to the families because I know there must be grands that would love to have them.
Susan Nixon says
Either way, you’re putting away things, and they all have to be put away eventually. If you do too much too quickly, you won’t remember where things are. =)
Judy Laquidara says
That’s overly optimistic . . to think I might remember at all! 🙂
Amy Makson says
Amazon sells lots of wine racks for inside cupboards for very reasonable. Or if one of your food storage rooms is cool, a wine rack on one of those shelves, perhaps a 12 bottle one, would work and free up your kitchen space? Would that work?
Judy Laquidara says
We’ll see. Thanks! I’ll look at Amazon. It’s really hard to think about adding anything til I get everything upacked and put away.
danielle says
Just tell Vince that the wine needs to be in an area with more consistent cooler temperatures – that with cooking and baking the kitchen can heat up. And you dont want to take a chance of breaking one of those bottles in the cabinet!