We all like different things and I’m usually hesitant to recommend something as . . what’s the word?? Not gross, not unappetizing . . I don’t know. Frozen dinners don’t rank real high on my list of yummy foods but I do try to keep a couple in the freezer for emergencies.
It seems like the old ones that I liked are no longer available. There was a brand – Patio or El Patio that made really cheap Mexican frozen dinners and I loved those. The cheese in the enchiladas was good. The beans were good. I can’t find those anywhere now.
Then for a while, I could buy something like Sam’s Choice at Walmart and I liked a bunch of those – really liked them a lot.
Last time I was in MO or maybe it was the time before that – probably then because I was here alone and thought I might eat some frozen dinners so I checked out the selection and it was kinda slim. Frozen pizza . . every flavor, every size . . didn’t want that though.
I bought one of these.

Maybe the El Monterey is what I’m thinking of instead of El Patio. Who knows. When I got to MO Sunday evening, I was so tired. I thought of running out and grabbing something from a restaurant and bringing it home but I was just too tired. I was very thankful for a couple of frozen dinners in the freezer but my expectations were not really high.

This one was really good. I would definitely eat it again. I didn’t look at sodium or calories or fat – sometimes when you eat something like this, you just don’t want to know. I don’t make a habit of it but I will buy another one or two of these to keep in the freezer.
I didn’t buy them yesterday because I had brought a cooler full of food from the Texas freezer and was able to get it all in the fridge freezers but had zero space.
Today, the movers will be bringing one of our freezers and I’m very thankful to have it! Probably those of us who have grown up with our parents and grandparents always having “deep freezers” can’t live without them. Those who never had them don’t see the need. I’m in the “can’t live without” them category!
Joyce says
I really like the “Amy’s” frozen Cheese Enchiladas. I’ve never seen the El Monterey brand around here. I will have to keep an eye out for it.
kathleen says
I just got a freezer two weeks ago ! Heaven ….
Judy Laquidara says
Good for you!!
Ruth says
We’ve been eating El Monterey chimichangas (dark blue pkg) for a few years now. Great with a can of chili and some grated cheese over the top for the last 5 minutes of cooktime. Good Luck with any unpacking!
Nelle Coursey says
It was El Patio. I remember those. I never bought many of them though.
Judy Laquidara says
Thanks! I thought it was but then when I saw El Monterey, I wondered if I had mixed the names up.
vivoaks says
My mom and dad gave us a freezer they’d used for several years. That freezer was used by us for the past 43 years! They don’t make them like they used to,, that’s for sure!! I need to defrost it this week sometime – it’s been too many years since it’s been done, but it’s still running. Can’t live without it!! 🙂
Judy Laquidara says
You’re right! That’s why I’m so hesitant to update the appliances in this house. They’re all 17 years old and even with these, the new ones are nothing like the old ones. I turn off the ice maker and dump it before we leave and in less than a day, it’s full again. Our ice maker in Texas would take a week or longer be full.
I try to defrost our freezers at least once a year but that doesn’t always happen.
Claudia says
I really like the Amy’s and Saffron Road dinners. There are a few Lean Cuisine and Stoffer’s that I will eat. The Amy’s single burritos are good. I could not live without my freezer. Right now it is full of berry juice and shrimp, courtesy of my friend from Lake Charles.
Judy Laquidara says
What I wouldn’t give for some Louisiana shrimp! Sorry for your friends in LC (if they gave them to you to keep from losing them during the power outage).
Linda Garcia says
I am like you. I “need” my freezers (full) to feel comfortable. I have 2 large chest freezers and a large upright freezer. They are all pretty full and we use all the stuff in them. When I am ready to decide what to fix for dinner tonight, I go open the freezer and see what I like in there. Everyday it is freezer looking time 🙂
PattiLynn says
I remember eating the Patio dinners. Then I bought the El Charrito enchilada dinners. Now, they’ve been discontinued. I think I’ll try to find the El Monterey brand dinners. I’d like to keep a few on hand, they come in handy, like you said.