Therefore, I am not very virtuous.
I’ve mentioned numerous times about our table situation. Until this second house in MO, it has been about 30 years since I had a decent sized dining room where I could have a nice dining table. When we moved to MO in 2006, we put our small breakfast/dining table in the small dining room and ordered an even smaller table for the small breakfast room. I love that table and four chairs and since it was mostly just Vince and me eating in MO, we almost always ate at that table – every day for four years. I have had the table in the sewing room in Texas for 9 years. I kept two Singer 301 machines on the table and when a friend would come to sew, we had plenty of room.
I also had one chair in the sewing room, and I assumed three chairs were upstairs. I would put a pillow in the chair and Speck would sit right next to me while I sewed. I never took that chair out after Speck was gone. Yesterday Vince went upstairs to get the other chairs and only found two chairs.
Vince: There are only two chairs upstairs.
Me: There should be three chairs. There’s one in the sewing room.
He went back upstairs and couldn’t find any more chairs.
Vince: I think I remember that we only got two chairs with that table.
Me: No. I’m sure we had four. I’ll go get the one in the sewing room.
I went into the sewing room. No chair. I looked everywhere but it’s such a disaster in there now. Back outside ..
Me: Vince, did you move the chair out of the sewing room? I can’t find it.
Vince: No. We really only had two chairs.
I was on my way upstairs to see if I couldn’t find the other two chairs. From the stairs, I looked down and there was a chair, turned upside down on the stack of moving boxes that were recently placed in the shop.
I took it out and put it with the other two chairs. He doesn’t remember putting it there. I know I didn’t.
Vince: Oh, I guess we had three chairs.
Me: Vince! We have four chairs!
We were both getting frustrated with each other. He was sure there were two, then three chairs. I was sure there were four chairs.

He found the fourth chair upstairs.
There they are: four chairs, along with a rocker, waiting for the mover tomorrow.
This move is about to get the best of us.
Liz says
Most table/chair sets have 4 chairs unless they are the smaller bistro table type and then there are 2 chairs. So, the main reason to lose a couple chairs is by breakage but then, wouldn’t Vince have tried to repair the breaks? Maybe Vince was just tired of looking & packing? BTW, the chairs are very pretty with the different wood stains.
In a previous post, you mentioned a Vince cleaning station – is he dusting, cleaning mud dauber nests, spider webs away before they are transported up to Missouri? It seems to be a logical thing to do….
On another note – in my area, as the old Bradford pears are removed, a tree called Chinese Pistache is being planted around the town.. They are very pretty in the fall – turning red. You may want to check it out as a potential tree for you new yard.
Nelle Coursey says
If you can survive this, you can survive anything!! You will look back on this one day and laugh.