While we were in MO, I had planned to finish a sweater and would have except I realized I needed three sets of 10.5 needles at the same time (it could have been Size 10 – I can’t remember now). I didn’t have. A lot of projects with me, nor did I have much yarn to choose from. I had a couple of skeins of Madelinetosh Home, which is bulky weight (quick to knit). The sweater I had been working on is also bulky weight so I planned to make three Kid size hats using those three yarns.

I would love for Addie to want them but she refuses to wear hats, no matter how cold it is so I will give these to her school and they will give them to kids who need them.

I got this one done before we left MO.

I got this one done in the car on the way home. No time for knitting while back in Texas so I’ll finish the third one when I’m back in MO.
vivoaks says
How nice that you’ll give them to someone who needs them! Addie may surprise you one day and change her mind – girls tend to do that. 🙂 Have a great day!
Cilla says
I don’t like wearing hats either unless they are dressy hats (which no one wears anymore). Hated them as a kid but was forced to wear one. (You dared not disobey mother)! Donating those hats will be appreciated by the school nurse to give to those who don’t have hats.
Toni Macomb says
Oh my! What a great idea! I love to knit hats. I never thought about asking the school if they could use them.
cindy says
I, too, dislike hats, but occasionally will wear a band that goes around my head over my ears. Kind of like a headband but bigger spaces for over the ears. Perhaps you could knit her something like that and she might wear that.
Nelle Coursey says
That is so sweet of you to do that. I know the kids there will appreciate it!