At breakfast I asked Vince “What was the other thing we wanted to do because put up the shelves?” He kept naming off things but neither of us could remember the second thing we wanted to do.
After moving the rigid heddle loom so I could vacuum, I remembered . . put that thing together! I can’t believe we’ve stepped over pieces of it in the living room for a week and neither of us could think about putting it together as the second thing we wanted to get done. It isn’t that I’m going to use it right away but I don’t want pieces to get lost.
Another thing about the dining room . . I don’t want it to look cluttered in there but I’d love to find at least one, maybe two small tables to put in the corners.

This isn’t what I want but something a bit similar. I would love drawers for extra placemats, napkins, etc.
We went out around noon because Vince hadn’t made his daily trip to Walmart yet. I sat in the car and knitted while he went in and did his shopping. How does he do that every day??
Then we went to eat. I’m telling you . . I’m not sure I need to keep the kitchen in this house at this rate. I have leftovers in the fridge that I’ll be bringing back to Texas. Vince wanted to stop at an antique store that has lots of furniture and it’s probably the place I would be able to find what I want for those corners but that’s not a priority right now so . . we didn’t stop.
He’s done planting grass. We will water it a couple of times per day now and hope the seeds sprout and grow until the permanent grass (and I can’t remember what kind it is) takes over.
We’ve really accomplished a lot this trip.
Katherine says
Can you put leftovers in the freezer? Or leave them with Nicole? Don’t you still have a bunch of food in the freezer in TX?
Judy Laquidara says
So many questions! 🙂
I could put leftovers in the freezer here but I only have the freezers that are with the fridges (one is a side by side and one has the freezer on top of the fridge) so there’s not much room. I had bought food to prepare when we first got here . . not knowing Vince would want to go out to eat most every meal. Some of what I have leftover isn’t good in the freezer – tomato/rice soup and chicken & noodles. The carnita meat I can put in the freezer. Nicole and Chad don’t eat a lot of the foods we eat and I don’t think they would eat the tomato/rice soup. The carnita meat is to spicy for Nicole and Addie. The meatballs/sauce is already frozen and I’m bringing that back to Texas, along with some of the carnita meat. I’ll be back in a week so I’ll appreciate having some amount of food in the freezer because I won’t go out when I’m here by myself.
Yes, too much food in the freezers in Texas. It’s surprising how little room I’ve made in there and I haven’t bought meat there in ages. We had hoped to have a freezer cleaned out to bring on the first move but I don’t think that’s going to happen.
Nelle Coursey says
You are doing good up there! Now you can come back to Texas and eat all your meals from leftovers!! LOL
Sherry in NC says
Where did you find that picture of the little table? Where is it sold? I really like that.