We have at least 9 pear trees and we’ve done everything people have told us to do – water, don’t water, fertilize, don’t fertilize. We’ve probably had a dozen pear trees that died and we’ve replaced them but several years ago, we gave up on pears. As the trees died, we didn’t replace them. We had two dead pear trees that Vince had been meaning to remove and the last time we were gone, we had some wind and the dead trees fell so Vince drug them off. I think we may have gotten on or two pears total off all those trees . . til this year. Wouldn’t you know it? We start to leave and they decide to produce.

Yesterday we picked a 5 gallon bucket of pears. I want to make preserves with them. Add that to my “to do” list!
I also love pear pie and may pull out enough of them to make a pie but . . maybe not. We’ll see but preserves is probably a better, more useful option.
Linda in NE says
Pear pie! Pear pie! Pear pie! But I guess I don’t really get a vote do I? 🙂
Sue says
Our tree went crazy this year. Made pear butter—oh so good.
Ruth says
Speaking of things growing unexpectedly…our lawn turned so lush and green this year. My husband swears he didn’t fertilize it at all, but he hasn’t kept up with the lawn mowing and we’ve had lots of rain this year here in Maryland so I think it went to seed and reseeded itself over and over again. Or maybe zoysia grass just takes three or four years before it fills in the empty places. At this rate, there won’t be any clover for the bees next year. At least there are fewer weeds.
Nelle Coursey says
Pears are so good! I love them when they are juicy!!
Rebecca says
Me, too! But I think you may have to grow them yourself–I can’t get good ones at the supermarket.
I don’t know that I’ve heard of pear pie! Is it like apple pie: a lattice top over an all-fruit filling?
Twyla says
Momma always made pear preserves for my brother. And a pear relish. yum