The garden has really come back to life after the rain a couple of weeks ago. This morning I went out to cut okra and ended up with a few tomatillos, one cucumber, a few jalapeno peppers, more asparagus and some small bell peppers.

I’ve been trying to eat out of the freezers. I have a spreadsheet so I pretty much know what’s in them but finding it can be a different story. Since we’re moving, I’ve pretty much not kept up the spreadsheet so I’m just grabbing whatever I see that looks good.
Earlier this week, I pulled out a prime rib and cooked that on Wednesday. When I have a larger one, I cook it so the two ends are medium rare, cut those two ends off and we each have a piece. Then I’ll stick it in the oven and cook it some more the next day and do the same and work our way towards the middle. We had prime rib again yesterday. Today I was hungry for meatloaf. That’s made and waiting to go into the oven or tonight. I’ll save half of it, freeze it and take it to MO next time so I don’t have to cook one night.
I also have a pork butt in the fridge defrosting. It’s a big one but I’ll cook it in the pressure cooker (carnitas), divide the leftovers up and freeze them and probably take some of that to MO too. The tomatillos will go in with that, the jalapeno peppers will go in there.
I’m fixing pinto beans with the meat loaf (and scalloped potatoes) so we’ll have leftover pinto beans with the carnitas too!
Those leftovers along with the leftover prime rib should mean I hardly have to cook anything for the next five or so days.
Twyla says
I cooked an eight lb. pork roast in the crock pot this week. Got enough for 5 meals divided up 4 of them in freezer. Love having this in freezer.
Judy Laquidara says
You know I feel the same way. I love eating at home and I love not having to cook every day.