Have you ever seen a mess coming and despite your best efforts, it just got worse and worse? That’s what happened with the red yarn I was using for the mystery I’m working on.

I’m working with four skeins of yarn and as I cut one, it ends up in my chair, I sit on it, I move around and I’ve made a mess out of all four skeins but the red one was a huge mess.
It kept getting longer and skinnier til it no longer looked like a round cake of yarn but more like a long, fat cigar. It got so tangled that I broke off two pieces and tried to re-wind it by hand and then the main skein belched off this big yarn mess so I had to take it over to the sewing room and totally re-wind/re-skein it.
I had explained to Vince that the ball winder and the yarn swift HAD to stay where I could use them. I’m not complaining . . he’s helping . . but I walked in there and the swift was gone! It would have taken me hours to untangle that mess of yarn and re-wind it by hand. I started back to the house to ask him if he knew where it was, hoping it wasn’t packed in a box not to be found for months. I do have another ball winder and swift in MO but . . I need one in Texas too.
Just as I was about to walk out, I saw it on top of the fridge. Grabbed that rascal, attached it to the cutting table, did what I had to do and put it back on top of the fridge. I told him I was going over there to wind that skein of yarn. I wonder if he ever thought . . she’ll never find that swift. But . . that’s a discussion we’re not going to have unless he brings it up.
Nelle Coursey says
I think sometimes men have selective hearing! LOL But I may be guilty of that also, so I am not going to say any more!! LOL
Ruth says
He probably thought you would see it on top of the fridge, or if not, then he would, being taller. And you did see it on top of the fridge!